The Menopause Rescue Protocol

Product Name: The Menopause Rescue Protocol
St. Petersburg, Fl, Thursday May 13, 2021
There I was sobbing on the floor next to a pile of soaking wet pajamas…
It looked like a hurricane had pummeled through my closet…
Wrinkled jeans and dresses scattered in every direction…
There wasn’t a single outfit that fit me…
I swear — I went to bed a size 10 and woke up a size 16.
My teenage daughter shouted at me from downstairs for the third time…
“Mom! I have to be at school in 5 minutes!”
We were never late before “the change.”
I was always so punctual… so reliable…
But lately I couldn’t do anything except bury my head in my hands and cry.
I wasn’t even motivated to pull myself out of my sweat puddle.
I knew it was going to be a bad day…
I could hear my daughter stomping up the stairs before bursting into the bedroom…
“What are you doing?! I need to be…”
She went silent… and starred with a cold look in her eyes.
“Dad, it’s happening again,” she shouted…
“I need you to take me to school!”
She turned around and slammed the bedroom door behind her…
My husband didn’t even come check on me.
He learned to keep his distance when I was in a “mood.”
Since “the change” I hadn’t been so kind to him…
I was like a ticking time bomb… and the littlest things he did made me snap…
Like leaving a dirty sock on the floor… or closing a window in our bedroom… or when he’d “nudge” me to even suggest he wanted sex.
He started sleeping in the guest room because I’d yell at him in the middle of the night for snoring.
At least, I hope it was a joke.
But I don’t blame him. Even I thought I was deranged at times…
Like I was losing my mind.
Like there was a stranger in my body…
Like Mother Nature was playing a trick on me…
Pointing her finger as I lost control, and purpose, and dignity.
Everybody always jokes about how bad menopause is…
But no one told me it’d be like this.
I would give anything to feel like ME again…
Hi. I’m Tonya Fines. Some women call me “The Menopause Coach.”
And I hear stories like this all the time…
But if you’re in the throes of menopause or perimenopause right now…
Make sure you read every word I’m about to share…
Because you don’t need to suffer through the “common” menopause experience. In fact…
You can be in the driver’s seat of your menopause journey starting today…
Despite what you’ve heard in the past…
These problematic symptoms have little to do with estrogen…
And more to do with a particular “cell bandit” molecule that multiplies in the body during perimenopause and menopause.
This cell bandit molecule has the same effect as when an apple starts to rot… or metal begins to rust…
Except inside the body…
Here’s the shocking thing…
American women are 7x more likely to suffer from these symptoms than women in eastern cultures. And…
In fact… they don’t even have a word for “hot flash”.
Other studies from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom and Harvard University discovered the reason these women are unphased by their menopause transition…
Is because they enjoy a specific ingredient in their diet that calms the effects of the bandit molecule I mentioned earlier…
By capturing it and preventing it from influencing their body chemistry…
And at the same time supporting a positive menopause experience.
Made of 3 yummy and holistic ingredients that I’ll reveal later on in this letter…
That stem from an ancient Mayan ceremonial “wedding cake”… a special ingredient inside Aztec tequila… and a
tropical superfruit from “The Miracle Tree” in Pakistan.
If you’re a woman who’s currently in menopause… perimenopause… or
you’re approaching that 45-55 year range when menopause commonly occurs…
You don’t want to miss out on what I’m about to share with you.
Because in just a moment I’m going to reveal the REAL cause of pesky menopause symptoms that most doctors and gynecologists don’t know about…
Why women in eastern cultures… “blue zones”… and the Yucatan Penninsula report FAR less (if any) menopause problems…
Even though they experience the same decline in estrogen levels as you do…
The secret natural compound that scientists from the University of Alicante in Spain say beats hormone replacement therapy (HRT)…
And an exotic dessert you can enjoy every morning…
That’ll give you sweet relief from an erratic menopause experience… and maintain control of your body, emotions, mind and life.
American Association of Drugless Practitioners Board Certified
Alternative Medicine College of Canada
My name’s Tonya Fines — creator of Menopause Rescue…
A holistic health and wellness brand specifically geared to help women in this transitional season of life have the best menopause experience possible…
Using completely natural and effective techniques I gathered as a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners…
And as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist with the Canadian Institute of Alternative Medicine.
In fact — I’m reminded of one story…
Of a woman named Carrie who was petite and attractive…
The kind of girl you’d imagine was prom queen or voted “Ms. Congeniality” in high school…
Who’s now a 57 year old third grade teacher… and feels like her body’s betraying her.
She goes to her male gynecologist (who delivered her two now grown-up sons) and describes
hot flashes like huge waves rolling into shore… and then crashing on the beach…
With an intensity that only someone who’s experienced them can understand.
He stares at her blankly… like he’s in the room but he’s not really “there”.
And no matter how much she tries to describe her experience… the night sweats, crippling anxiety, pain during sex…
He just can’t understand the physical and emotional roller coaster she’s trapped on…
And attempts to solve Carrie’s pain during sex and loss of libido with a bottle of lube and sex toys…
And writes a prescription for hormone replacement treatments within just a few minutes of hearing Carrie’s story.
Then — one of the scariest moments of her life happens…
One day at work, Carrie suddenly loses her ability to speak…
So she rushes to the school nurse in a panic.
And they’re so concerned Carrie is having a stroke that they call 9-1-1.
The whole way to the hospital her thoughts are racing… she wonders if this is the event that’ll change her life forever.
After having blood work done… and multiple scans and tests…
Because now she’s scared and confused about what happened at the school.
After a short consultation… the doctor suggests she find a way to relax…
So he prescribes that she “take up a hobby.”
But Carrie doesn’t need a new hobby… or sex toys… or to put more fans in her bedroom…
She needs someone who understands menopause from a woman’s perspective.
After hearing many stories of women like Carrie…
Who suffer in silence through menopause… feel hopeless and alone… and receive poor and “emotionally detached” advice from their doctor…
I decided to become “The Menopause Coach”…
And now one of my biggest passions in life has become guiding women through this normal transition. Now…
I know menopause doesn’t FEEL normal.
It probably feels like you’re losing your mind at times… or like there’s someone else inside your body…
But you should never… EVER… feel down on yourself because of this change.
And even if menopause has given you fits so far… I want you to know…
Instead of having unpredictable mood swings where you’re fine one moment… and then WHAM… you’re lashing out at your teenager the next…
Because of something you would have never gotten upset about before…
Or being in a constant state of exhaustion because night after night you can’t sleep… and your “meno-brain” makes you forget words and names…
Or feeling non-stop anxiety at work because you aren’t sure when your next hot flash will strike…
Like during an important meeting, or when you’re speaking with your boss, or while you’re interviewing for a promotion…
And instead of looking cool, calm and professional…
Your face turns cherry red, sweat rolls down your cheeks, and your first and last impression is a clammy handshake.
Instead of being frustrated to high heaven when you look in the mirror and notice your body has transitioned from a lovely “pear shape” to a blocky “apple shape”…
And it looks like you’re wearing a life-jacket under your clothes…
Or like you want to hide away from your job, your kids and your spouse until menopause is over…
Instead of all that… You can take charge right here and now. And…
Because even though menopause is a necessary and normal time for every woman…
Rocky road symptoms don’t need to be.
Like I mentioned earlier…
Multiple university-backed studies confirm there are entire people groups in Asia who don’t share the frustrating and debilitating problems of menopause that most western women do…
Others in the Yucatan Peninsula don’t even have a word to describe a “hot flash”…
Because they don’t experience them.
Well — despite what doctors will tell you, these symptoms have very little to do with estrogen imbalance. See…
Every single woman experiences a drop in estrogen during “the change”…
Even the ones who seem almost “untouched” by it…
When a woman reaches menopause…
There’s a chain of “unstable reactions” that happens in her body… caused by molecules called
“cell bandits”.
I don’t want to get too scientific on you… but here’s very quickly how it works:
Healthy cells and compounds in your body have “pairs” of electrons — (2, 4, 6, etc.).
Cell bandits on the other hand, have an ODD number of electrons… (1, 3, 5, etc.)
This odd number of electrons makes them unstable…
And because they want to balance their electron count…
They’re always looking for cells in the body to “steal” an electron from.
And that’s exactly what they do.
Healthy Molecules are balanced pairs to form stable reactions
Cell Bandit Molecules are unbalanced looking to steal an electron from other cells in the body forming unstable reactions
Cell bandits rob electrons from other cells.
After this happens… the “victim cell” is now missing an electron…
And needs to find a way to get one for itself…
So it also turns into another cell bandit.
With age and other environmental factors like diet, smoke, sunlight and even too much exercise…
Cell bandits continue to multiply…
And create an unstable environment in the body…
When cell bandits increase, it causes a cell “free-for-all” called oxidative stress.
If your children have ever taken a few bites into an apple… and then forgotten it on the kitchen counter until it turns brown…
That’s exactly the effect oxidative stress has in the body.
It causes cells to “rot” and fall apart.
Here’s where it gets back to menopause…
Women with higher levels of oxidative stress experience more severe “events” during menopause.
Including symptoms like…
Feeling irritable and impatient… and
snapping at the littlest things that would never have “gotten under your skin” before…
And making your family so worried about when your next explosion will be… they’re tip-toeing around the house or
hiding out in the other room to avoid setting you off.
Or being cold one minute and then bursting into flames the next…
Feeling like you want to tear off your clothes in the middle of the office because of a sudden, inescapable hot flash…
Hoping your coworkers don’t notice the heat in your face or your clammy hands.
And other symptoms like forgetting what a good night’s sleep is…
Because you wake up several times feeling panicky and anxious…
Drenched in sweat so bad it’s like someone dumped a bucket of water on you while you were sleeping…
Not to mention the “Meno-brain” that happens because you haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep in months…
And has you forgetting names of friends you’ve known for years… stumbling over words… and even “missing vowels”…
All of these experiences, (and many more associated with menopause), happen as a result of “cell bandit” multiplication and oxidative stress…
NOT just low estrogen like most doctors suggest…
Which is why many women who use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) still suffer through a difficult menopause.
I’ll tell you more about these ingredients in a moment… Plus…
A “too good to be true” exotic dessert that contains all of them. But first…
Let me tell you about the
special compound discovered inside these ingredients that will counteract oxidative damage and unlock a pleasant menopause experience.
I call this special compound the “cell donor”.
Do you remember the “cell bandit” I mentioned earlier?
Well oxidative stress happens when there’s an imbalance between the two.
In order to have the best menopause experience, you want to have more cell donors than you have cell bandits.
Or at least… the same amount of cell donors as you have cell bandits.
The reason is because cell donors are molecules that can afford to “donate” an electron to calm down cell bandits…
Without making themselves unstable.
Because cell donors make this friendly sacrifice, your cells stay healthy.
According to a study from Iowa State University, the reason women in Asian cultures have a much easier menopause journey…
Is because their diets are rich in cell donors.
And a study from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran found by consuming a high amount of cell donors through food…
You’ll maintain stability throughout menopause.
A study published in the journal Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine is so bold to say…
Imagine being in the driver’s seat again…
Never having to worry about gaining pound after pound no matter how hard you diet or exercise…
Or having to do a “closet overhaul” because nothing fits anymore…
Or feeling like “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
Happy as can be one moment… and flying off the handle with rage the next…
Or bursting into tears at the slightest hint of criticism… or the news… or nothing at all.
Won’t it be great to keep the thermostat in your room at a normal temperature?
And not have to thrust open the windows in early February because of a sudden hot flash…
And freeze your husband out of the bedroom and onto the couch for the night…
Or having to carry towels and extra layers of clothes with you to work.
And instead, being at the “top of your game” during menopause…
Enjoying your sanity, and being the same you that your kids and your partner know they can count on.
The scientists from these studies are just now discovering that cell donors are the solution.
You can have a friendly… peaceful… and quite possibly a FUN menopause experience.
I know that sounds a little like I’m reaching for the stars…
But I say “fun” because you’re going to love the cell donor-packed ingredients that women like you are raving about right now…
Because not only will they give you the benefits I mentioned above…
They’ll also have your tastebuds jumping up and down for joy…
And multiple studies show the unique molecules inside this Mayan wedding cake ingredient
relieve menopause symptoms including…
First is an Ancient Mayan Ceremonial Wedding Cake that’s one of the world’s oldest and healthiest foods…
And was claimed by the Mayan people to be a “gift from the gods” because of its taste and healing benefits.
A study published in the journal, Nutrition and Diet in Menopause found this special dark chocolate contains a unique type of “cell donor”…
Called “polyphenols”…
That is almost perfectly wired to improve the menopause experience.
Almost no other ingredient on the planet has as many polyphenols as this bitter-sweet treat does.
Polyphenols decrease oxidative stress during menopause…
And are super-effective at supporting healthy weight, hormonal balance, and cell harmony in the body…
As the “icing on the cake” — studies from respected universities in Spain, France and Italy discovered that by eating this tasty dessert, you can reduce body fat and waist circumference, too.
An in-vitro study from San Diego State University found Agave Nectar has a very small effect on blood sugar and insulin levels…
The second ingredient inside this exotic dessert is found in “Aztec Tequila.”
It grows from a delicate tequilana plant… that can only be harvested every 6-8 years.
It’s called Agave Nectar… and is most commonly used as a natural, nutrient-rich sweetener.
Like dark chocolate, studies have just caught on to the fact that Agave Nectar is packed with polyphenols…
And has a high concentration of “cell donors” that can calm oxidative stress in the body and restore peace and harmony to your hormones.
Now — you may have heard that Agave Nectar has high sugar content…
But here’s why that isn’t a problem. A recent study has shown it has a very small effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.
And even though Agave Nectar can be high in calories…
The exotic dessert recipe that you’re moments from gaining access to has a perfect dose of Agave Nectar…
That’ll make your taste buds tingle with sweetness… yet won’t be a ton of excess calories.
Studies show Moringa is packed with Cell Donors that prevent oxidative stress… and maintain energy and stability in the body.
This combination of vitamins and minerals and Cell Donors from Moringa supports healthy hormone balance as well.
The third ingredient inside this exotic dessert that can give you a lovely menopause experience…
Is a tropical fruit from a tree in Pakistan…
The Moringa Tree has been called “The Miracle Tree”… and was voted “Plant of the Year” by the National Institute of Health…
Because this powerful superfruit nourishes the body with dozens of nutrients at one time.
According to Kuli Kuli, an organization that harvests moringa plants in Africa, moringa contains:
2x the amount of protein of yogurt… 4x the amount of vitamin A as carrots… 3x the amount of potassium as bananas… 4x the amount of calcium as cows’ milk… 7x the amount of vitamin C as oranges…
Here are the other ingredients included in this tasty morning treat…
That — when combined in THE RIGHT amounts — will make every day easier during menopause:
Each ingredient is hand-picked to give you the best menopause experience…
And each one has been proven in multiple, peer-reviewed scientific studies to do just.
But here’s the thing…
As amazing as the “Menopause Miracle Blend” is going to work…
I didn’t want to stop there.
What kind of coach would I be if I just threw a dessert recipe at you and said “good luck.”
That’s why I’ve combined the Menopause Miracle Blend dessert smoothie…
With 3 other proven strategies that’ll help you unlock the best menopause experience possible inside…
You may have heard of menopause being called “the change”… and yes, your body is going through many changes…
Which at times can pack a pretty big punch… like your body is a total stranger… and you are clueless on how to “fix” it.
Rest assured — this transition is completely normal…
And inside the Menopause Rescue Protocol I’ll help you gracefully navigate through “the change”… stay in the driver’s seat of the menopause journey… and feel FAR better than you ever could if you were to sit back and just let it happen.
All it takes is a few minutes each morning to whip up this delicious exotic breakfast dessert…
And you’ll feel SO much better throughout the rest of the day.
Each ingredient inside the Menopause Miracle Blend is hand-picked to get your day started on the right food…
It doesn’t take a long, exhausting, out-of-breath workout to get and stay in shape…
All it takes is 10-minutes…
And you’ll see amazing changes to your body!
Inside the 10-Minute Revive And Thrive exercise protocol you’ll learn a gentle and effective way to keep your figure throughout menopause.
Thank you Coach Tonya for the tips and strategies you have provided in the Menopause Rescue Protocol. I felt like I finally had someone in my corner who not only understood what I was feeling and going through but who also was able to give me some helpful suggestions that actually worked!
The 5 focus categories that the Menopause Rescue Protocol focuses on made it so much easier to manage my symptoms in a more productive way and also finally gave me the feeling that I was doing something to help make my menopause experience better for me and for my whole family.
Holly Summer, British Columbia, Canada Mother of 3, Grandmother of 5
Coach Tonya has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to women’s health issues, but more than that, she is able to understand how other women are feeling and what they need in order to help them get through those challenging times. The Menopause Rescue Protocol is chock full of real, useable strategies and tools, to help women embrace this transition in their lives and take control of their menopause experience.
Coach Tonya is someone whom I would trust to be real, to be honest, and to guide me through my menopause with strategies and an action plan that would truly help me to feel my best.
Tanya Grazione, Tampa, Florida Mother of 4
Coach Tonya’s expertise in women’s health issues have never ceased to impress me. I have relied on her coaching support at many times over the last several years as I’ve experienced several changes in my body and my health. I have also recommended Coach Tonya to several friends and family members and everyone who has worked with her has been so happy with their results and the attention that she gives to each of her clients.
The one thing that really stands out to me is how accurately she is able to get right to the root of what the issue is and then to come up with strategies and tools that I can use immediately to start feeling better.
Charlotte Wowk, Edmonton, Canada Mother of 3, Grandmother of 10
I first reached out to Coach Tonya when I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 7 years ago and I was so impressed with how she helped me through that, that once I was in peri-menopause I didn’t have to think twice as to who I wanted to work with to help me again.
Working with Coach Tonya and using the Menopause Rescue Protocol, is like having your very own private health coach right in the room with you; she has a way of making you feel like you are her only client and her number one priority.
The Menopause Rescue Protocol has been so helpful and continues to as I continue to use this program. And not only has the Menopause Rescue Protocol been a tremendous help for me but for my family as well. Her ability to take my life and my busy schedule and help me come up with action plans that I can work with and stick to have had a massive impact on my menopause experience so far.
She has also helped my husband to better understand what is happening with me and that has had a huge impact on helping our marriage survive some of the more challenging moments as may body changes.
Melinda MacDonald, Nova Scotia, Canada Mother of 3
With The Menopause Rescue Protocol…
“The change” won’t be some scary boogeyman anymore…
It won’t be something that’s “out of your hands”…
Or that makes you feel like you’re on a nightmarish roller coaster ride.
Starting right here, today…
You can have one of those easy menopause journeys that most women only dream of…
But it all comes down to the decision you make right now…
And starts by purchasing your copy of The Menopause Rescue Protocol.
Purchasing the program is really simple.
All you have to do is scroll down to the “Add To Cart” button and click it.
After you click the “Add To Cart” button you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can safely complete your order.
Then you’ll be taken to an exclusive download page where you can download the entire Menopause Rescue Protocol… before even getting up from the chair you’re sitting in!
You don’t have to wait for anything in the mail.
There isn’t a long fulfillment process.
The Menopause Rescue Protocol can be yours just seconds from now.
If you’re interested in claiming your copy of The Menopause Rescue Protocol…
You should act fast today.
The reason is because in the past, companies have had pages like this taken down. And…
Because the truth is, Big Pharma sees “menopause” as a real money-making opportunity…
Because every woman in the world goes through it.
And they’d much rather have you spend a fortune on doctor’s appointments, prescriptions, HRT and even trips to the Emergency Room…
Than spend a few dollars on a plan like this and feel better because of it.
So like I said, I’m not sure how long it’ll be before I receive some kind of “cease and desist” letter…
Or this page is just taken down without me knowing it…
But that’s why I recommend you purchase your copy of The Menopause Rescue Protocol in a hurry.
Like I mentioned earlier — I’m passionate about helping women like you have the best menopause experience possible.
It breaks my heart when I see sweet, hard-working women have a difficult time adjusting to this natural life transition…
Especially when they’ve been given poor advice from their doctors about how to transition well.
That’s why I’m dedicated to being your “Menopause Coach”.
And what kind of coach would I be if I talked up a helpful, body-friendly solution for you…
Yet made the price so high only a few women could afford it?
That’s not how I do things.
My heartfelt desire is to get The Menopause Rescue Protocol into the hands of as many women as possible…
Which is why, even though I could charge a hefty price for something like this…
I’m not going to do that. So…
When you order your copy of The Menopause Rescue Protocol right here and on this page…
And will last your entire menopause journey.
Can I be candid for a moment?
And in my humble opinion… it would be silly to miss out on it at that price.
That’s the “tough love” side of me speaking… so I hope it doesn’t sound too harsh…
I just really want you to have a great experience over the next several years.
Oh, and I almost forgot…
When you purchase The Menopause Rescue Protocol today…
It’s called “All About HRT”.
If you’re using Hormone Replacement Therapy…
Or are considering using it to help with menopause symptom relief…
I want to give you some tips for how to navigate those waters in the best way possible…
Plus, show you how to pair The Menopause Rescue Protocol with HRT to get the best results.
I would never, ever, discourage you from doing something you feel your body needs…
Which is why I created this resource to help with your decision, show you how it works, and how The Menopause Rescue Protocol can work alongside it.
And to make your decision even easier today…
You need to act quickly…
Because I’m not sure how long this page will be up.
So if you’re at all interested in supporting your body and mind… and want to let out a long sigh of relief while you enjoy a friendly menopause experience…
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.
I get that not everyone’s menopause experience is exactly the same…
And I’m not saying this is necessarily a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone…
However… I guarantee it’ll be a huge, friendly help.
I’ve poured everything I have into The Menopause Rescue Protocol…
I personally stand by everything I’ve shared with you in this letter…
And truly believe that nearly every woman dealing with menopause can benefit from it.
But if you don’t see the relief you’re hoping for…
Or aren’t satisfied for any reason with your Menopause Rescue Protocol…
Just send me an email and let me know. And you’ll get a full refund on your investment.
That way there’s absolutely no risk in grabbing your copy of the program today.
Which means you can give The Menopause Rescue Protocol a shot for half a year…
And if you aren’t enjoying a better menopause experience, you won’t pay a dime.
This way you don’t have to worry about the page getting shut down by Big Pharma or anything like that.
There’s absolutely no risk when you purchase your Menopause Rescue Protocol…
So don’t wait any longer to take control of your menopause journey and feel amazing because of it!
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.
Alright, so we’re getting close to the end of this letter…
And to make it really easy…
Option #1 is that you walk away from this page and do nothing today…
You can continue to deal with things like hot flashes that strike at the worst time…
Soaking night sweats that leave your bed sheets swampy and gross… and have you changing out of pajamas in the middle of the night…
Wild and emotional mood swings that you have to apologize for later…
And make you lash out one moment and bring you to tears the next.
You can try to put a smile on your face when you walk downstairs in a pair of stretchy sweatpants…
Because your jeans don’t fit like they used to…
And you can’t find anything in your closet that fits.
You can stumble your way through “meno-brain”…
Trying hard to remember the names of close friends, family members, and even very basic words that escape you…
And feel worried that people think you’re “ditzy” because you can’t think straight.
You can sit back… let menopause happen…
And feel like you aren’t yourself…
Like there’s someone else living inside your body.
But frankly, that’s no way to live.
So don’t try to go through menopause without some help.
Which leads me to the best option.
Option #2 is to try The Menopause Rescue Protocol today completely risk-free.
Not only will you get my secret “Menopause Miracle Blend” breakfast dessert smoothie recipe…
Featuring the 3 “exotic dessert” ingredients that support healthy “Cell Donor” molecules…
And provide a gentle and friendly menopause experience…
While maintaining ideal hormone balance…
But you’ll also get a complete done-for-you protocol you can do in just 20-minutes each day to
“cheat” your way through menopause.
If you make the right choice, and purchase The Menopause Rescue Protocol for a few dollars today…
You’ll safely and naturally navigate menopause with ease…
And feel like yourself again.
You can keep your figure and lovely shape during a time when most women really struggle…
Still feel beautiful… spunky… with a hint of sexy because you’re maintaining your health…
And have just as much energy as you did before “the change.”
You’ll get long, comfortable and restful nights of sleep…
That helps you stay sharp at the office… in a great mood when you’re around your family… and completely focused on living in the moment and being the best you.
You’ll make an amazing impression at work… or while in a job interview…
Because you won’t be struck by unexpected hot flashes…
And instead will be cool, calm and collected…
With a clear, clutter-free mind…
And wisdom, experience and charm that the younger women at the office can’t compete with.
Best of all, you’ll be the same mother your kids have learned to love and run to when they need support…
The same wife your husband fell in love with and trusts to have his back…
The same friend who others can count on…
And you’ve taken control of your menopause journey with The Menopause Rescue Protocol.
At the very worst, if you try The Menopause Rescue Protocol and aren’t thrilled with how much better you feel…
Then you’ll have tried it for absolutely free.
So why not give it a try by clicking the button below?
It could be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.
So don’t wait any longer.
Click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.
You’ll be so glad you did.
Thanks again for reading…
My sincere best wishes…
Tonya Fines, Bsc, PE Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
P.S. If you want to “cheat” your way through menopause with one delicious serving of a secret “exotic dessert” each morning, along with a done-for-you set of strategies you can use in just 20-minutes per day to enjoy a positive menopause experience… you’ve come to the right place. All you have to do is click or tap here to get started.
P.P.S. Don’t forget you’re backed by my 180-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied with the results, just let me know and you’ll get a full refund on your small investment. You have nothing to lose and a menopause experience that most women only dream about to gain.
The Menopause Rescue Protocol is for women who are in perimenopause, menopause or are nearing the age when menopause most commonly begins (45-55). It can also be used by any woman who feels like they’re struggling with menopause-like symptoms.
Yes, absolutely. It’s all thanks to the ingredients inside the Menopause Miracle Blend — dark chocolate, agave nectar, moringa powder, Greek yogurt, valerian root, spinach, almond milk, almond butter, strawberries, and ashwagandha…
Plus the 3 other strategies you can do in just a few minutes each day to naturally and effectively reduce oxidative stress, balance your hormones and enjoy relief from the symptoms commonly associated with menopause.
The Menopause Rescue Protocol is 100% digital, meaning once you complete your purchase, you’ll be taken to a download page where you can download the entire program — including:
I chose to go 100% digital with this program so you can get started right away AND so I can keep the cost as affordable as possible for you.
Yes. Every order of The Menopause Rescue Protocol is covered by my 180-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Anyone who doesn’t absolutely love this program…
And who doesn’t see a dramatic difference in their menopause experience — including better relief from weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and more…
Or is not satisfied for any reason… can send me an email and let me know and you’ll get a full refund on your investment today. No questions. No hassles. And you get to keep the program.
With that kind of guarantee, there’s no risk in giving The Menopause Rescue Protocol a try today.
At the very least, purchase The Menopause Rescue Protocol while it’s still available and you have 180-days to decide if it’s for you.
I recommend you practice the strategies and drink the Menopause Miracle Blend dessert shake every day. Don’t worry, this plan is so simple that it’ll become second nature for you in a couple of weeks at the most.
Sure can. If you’re already taking HRT as prescribed by your doctor, The Menopause Rescue Protocol will be a helpful compliment to it.
Remember, even though this program helps maintain hormonal balance, its main objective is to prevent oxidative damage in the body (which studies have shown is the key to relieving menopause symptoms). HRT doesn’t address this, which is why you can use The Menopause Rescue Protocol solo or alongside HRT if you’d like.
It’s simple! All you need to do is click the “Add To Cart” button below.
From there, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll complete your purchase.
Once you’re done, you’ll be taken to a download page where you can download The Menopause Rescue Protocol in its entirety.
And like I mentioned, your purchase is backed by my 180-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
And a peaceful, stress-free and happy menopause experience to gain!
So click the button below to claim your Menopause Rescue Protocol today.
You’ll be so glad you did.
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The Menopause Rescue Protocol is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.