Gut-friendly egg salad (without mayonnaise & GF)

Here’s another gut-friendly recipe for you! Slightly modified from the recipe from The Real Simple Good Life, this egg salad is quick, easy, and very nutritious! The best part? It’s also paleo, keto, gluten-free, and completely dairy-free!
There is no mayo in this recipe that can be a trigger for IBD sufferers, but I promise you – the egg salad is still creamy and DELICIOUS.
You can have this for yourself as a quick lunch, but it’s great for the kids too!
Gut-friendly egg salad
Ingredients for 2 servings:
- 6 hard-boiled eggs
- 3/4 cup celery (this one is high in fiber and substance, so if you are in the early stages of healing leave it off completely – see below *)
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup spring onions (omit if sensitive to it)
- 1/4 cup coconut yogurt (this is the dairy-free option.) Kite Hill has a great coconut yogurt that goes well with this recipe.
- 1 tbsp fresh dill (make sure it’s finely chopped or you can use dried dill)
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (for good fats)
- Fresh coriander (as much as you want)
- Salt to taste
Tips and Tricks: If you have one, an Instapot can be a really quick way to cook the eggs! Just 6 minutes in the Instapot on a high setting ensures a medium boil! Simply fill the Instapot with enough water to cover the eggs, leave it under high pressure for 6 minutes, and then release the quick release.
- Boil all of your eggs
- Wash your celery (if used) with white vinegar and rinse it off.
- Chop the celery, spring onions and dill (if using fresh dill) and place in a bowl.
- When the eggs are ready, peel them and place them in the bowl with your vegetables.
- Add coconut yogurt, olive oil, Dijon mustard and coriander. Mash and mix with a spoon. Season with salt as needed. Always cool when you are not consuming.
- Add coriander for the peel and add a slice of avocado if you like.
Enjoy with my FAVORITE Zukkee Sourdough Bread that is GF, Dairy Free and Sugar Free! Unfortunately, this is only available in the US, but you can pair this with your favorite lean-friendly bread, an almond wrap, or on a sweet potato.
(c) Nanami Haruka
* When you’re ready to test celery, crack the stem about an inch from the top and pull down next to the stem to remove the “threads”. This is the most fibrous part. So if you remove the threads, celery will be easier to digest. Then dice very small. Start with just a teaspoon or tablespoon of tiny, stringless cubes of celery and see what your tummy says!
Leave a comment if you decide to try this out! I am always happy to hear your feedback. 🙂
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery with exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.