Here’s how to protect yourself as you help others heal

Maybe you are a healer? Or maybe you have healed yourself and are now finding others to ask for help and guidance?
But you may also find that helping other people heal uses up your energy … and even has a negative effect on your own health?
Like this email I received from a reader:
βI (finally) decided not to accept any more private customers because it became increasingly clear that it was not good for my health. I’m a good coach and my clients got good results, but I was unhappy because I had to go through the ups and downs of my previous illness with other people several times a week. Now I understood more about being an empath, and I was having a really hard time disconnecting from my clients’ energy – and I carried it with me and in my body. I felt so drained! Part of me felt obliged to keep going, and I put that pressure on myself. I realized that I can still help others, but I don’t need to limit myself in any particular way. When I broke this channel, I felt such relief … and a flood of new energy! “
Well, this is what I have offered this reader and what I want to offer to anyone else who is in this situation:
For any healing work you choose to do (including coaching, counseling, or anything else that changes people’s energies and sets them free), I want to offer you this process from a powerful healer, Lori Clarke, because I find that the same Process is whether individual work, workshops or stage talks. Here’s what Lori says, and that’s a process I use a lot myself:
βAside from the standard protective bubble (surround yourself with white or divine light) that most healers use, I would also set an intention.
The intention would be that I am not the “healer” but an assistant in the process.
If someone comes to us (the expert) and seeks healing, if we put an energetic intention around the treated person and intend to assist the process, then this reinforces the fact that we will not give our strength away to someone who is sick.
The goal is to provide support to people so that they can feel empowered and confident about healing themselves and releasing the toxins it contains. Letting go of what no longer serves them.
I think this is where many healers become overwhelmed and pressured or begin to feel exhausted by their clients. My feeling is that the healer channels the light of the divine by bringing it through his body and then into the person he is treating. I am not sure if this path will serve the patient in the long term because it is not his own personal energy that he taps into, but that of the healer (because the divine energy still comes through the healer).
And so this way of supporting someone drains the healer’s energy. The patient will feel rejuvenated because in some way they have soaked up our energy and the balance, vitality and health that we have into their body. We (the healer) feel drained and weighed down because we have in good faith and unknowingly allowed someone to use our energy to gain energy. We are exhausted and hungry for the time we first started, the day we were invigorated by the process and not exhausted – when connecting with someone felt easy and amazing …
A suggestion from my personal experience.
As a healer, I set the protective bubble and then I set another intention that requires an introduction. I bring the light of the divine through my head into my own body and then imagine that it fills my whole being until my body can no longer contain the light. The light penetrates through my skin and into the environment around me, including the customer. This is the space that contains the intention for the patient to then be guided through a process in which he can then directly (for himself) access the light and power of the divine. The healer then guides the client through the same process as above for their own body and connection to the divine.
** It is important to note that the healer is not actually a healer, they are not, they are a tube. It is the divine gift in them that can bring people into the healing presence of the divine.
Now that this process is complete and the intention is established, the energetic vibrations of both the healer and the client are on a high frequency. Now the two energies are connected, but no one is sucked out because the process has been carried out in a way that uses and relies on each person’s connection to the divine. When two or three people connect, there is a lot of force as long as it is directed in the right direction.
Then, as soon as the energy is tangible and both bring the light and the energy from their own source, then this next step of the imagination takes place: I as a healer imagine my energy in the form of a lasso, I am the anchor and the light, Vibration and energy flow along the lasso. This lasso extends around the patient (imagine how you would catch an animal with a lasso) and I, as the healer, support the process by continuing my connection to the divine and establishing the intention for the patient to have his intention by resting Giving in and allowing captures whatever is happening in the moment, both physically and spiritually.
The healer is an assistant, rest in the knowledge that the patient can tap into the gift of healing at any time, he just has to be led there and then the source will do the rest. “
Hope this helps you, and if you’ve found other techniques that work well for you, please don’t hesitate to share them!
I would also recommend my Full Body Healing – Divine Light Meditation – in which I will guide you through the process of imagining beautiful healing light flowing in and down your body to your organs, viscera or any part of your body that needs it. whirls help.
And if you are looking for another healing method that works by shifting people’s energy (or your own energy) and releasing that energy, I also recommend you join a free lazer tapping session!
Choose from three free sessions:
- Strengthen self-confidence, let go of “I’m not ____ enough”
- Learn to feel good about saying “no” and setting healthy boundaries
- Let go of emotions in your gut that are causing physical symptoms
You can type for yourself or for others – even your animals!
Lazer tapping is a powerful healing tool as it forms an interface between mind and body and can therefore move things on the energetic or subconscious level. It also includes your physical sensations and fears or memories that may be stored in your tissues or organs – so you can feel butterflies in your stomach or a feeling of heaviness in your chest. Do not worry! These are all good signs that your body is speaking to you and leading the way to your healing.
I started this lazer tapping course because I had been looking for years for a course or workshop to refer my friends and readers to … a way to access this super powerful mind-body healing technique for yourself. Without having to pay a therapist $ 150 every time they needed help. And I could never find that course. So I made it.
I also created these groundbreaking lazer tapping mini-sessions for my readers and others struggling with chronic health issues, disempowerment, lack of abundance, unsupportive relationships, and boring lives. Because our unresolved / unhealed manure is holding us back!
Originally posted May 2014. Last updated July 2021.
Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert in naturopathic treatments for digestive diseases. She healed herself from the widespread Crohn’s disease and has been drug and surgery free for over 20 years. Appeared on numerous podcast, television and radio shows in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, Jini gives people hope and visions on how to cure colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in all natural methods. Her books on natural digestive disease cures have been sold in over 80 countries around the world.