How do grains and carbohydrates affect bowel disease?

How do grains and carbohydrates affect bowel disease? Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we talk about the possible effects sugars, grains, and carbohydrates (like gluten) can have on the body.
2:53 – MAP (Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis)
2:58 – Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol
3:52 – Jini’s probiotic retention enema
6:06 – Elementary nutrition
8:52 – mind / body interaction (mind / body / spirit healing)
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Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert in natural digestive disease healing. She healed herself from the widespread Crohn’s disease and has been drug and surgery free for over 20 years. Appeared on numerous podcast, television and radio shows in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, Jini gives people hope and visions on how to cure colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in all natural methods. Her books on natural digestive disease cures have been sold in over 80 countries around the world.