My Journey to Healing Ulcerative Colitis – Linsy’s Story

My Way To Cure Ulcerative Colitis
My name is Linsy and this is my story about living with IBD and the path to healing. Each path is unique, so I wanted to mine what helped and share my natural healing story with Jini’s protocols …
Linsy’s story
I have had ulcerative colitis since I was fourteen and am now thirty. Needless to say, after about 14 years with this disease, I had tried pretty much anything! From medication to diets to painful procedures – everything resulted in more pain and suffering for me. I really bumped into a wall when one of my “flares” caused me to be hospitalized for a full year after bleeding. Nothing they gave me stopped my bleeding and other symptoms. I was so thin, so weak, and very anemic. Food was an enemy to me as it made things worse for me. The drugs they gave me caused further complications and allergic reactions. I felt completely hopeless.
I was very scared after experiencing what I went through and I had a lot of trauma, but I knew there was something better out there. I refused to give up! Even though I was so weak, there was still a flame inside me telling me not to give up – still looking for answers to my health problems.
Then I found Jini Patel Thompson just by doing a search on Google and I found her LTYG intestinal health website. I observe Jini’s 8 Key Steps to Curing IBD, avidly took notes and immediately knew what I was looking for. It immediately resonated with me and confirmed everything I felt and had been through! So I bought all of the supplies and started implementing their protocols. I’ve read it all Listen to your stomach book within a few days; I’ve been so persistent in finding answers !!
Fast forward in time, I am medicated and symptom-free now. Please watch this video to hear the lightbulb moment that changed my life!
Leave a comment below if you liked my story or if you’d like to share a bit of yours. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and always remember to listen to YOUR gut instinct. 🙂
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery with exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.