What to Do During a Crohn’s, Colitis Flare – HACK # 5

Hello everybody! Linsy here with another video on what to do during a symptom flare-up. This video is the fifth hack from SIX that helped me through a flare-up. Stay tuned for 1 more and thank you for staying with me this far! 🙂
If you haven’t seen the previous videos, this is where you can find HACK # 1, HACK # 2, HACK # 3, and HACK # 4.
Links mentioned in the video:
1:52 – Our FAVORITE tools for body and mind at LTYG: Lazer Tapping & Jini’s Guided Healing Sessions and Meditations
6:43 am – Join Jini for a FREE lazer tapping session!
Since we get a ton of questions from our readers about what to do when symptoms flare up, I’m sharing a total of 6 hacks that helped me get through a flare up. These tips come from my personal experience and are what I have found helpful during these stressful times. I really hope that sharing this information will be helpful to you on your healing journey.
What do you do if your symptoms flare up? Personally, I have been able to see and respond to all of your comments so far. You were amazing so keep going!
And if you haven’t shared yet, tell me in the comments! 🙂
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to a completely drug and surgery-free case using only natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / spirit on the healing journey firsthand.