Anabolic Boost

Product Name: Anabolic Boost
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If you’ve ever wanted to crack the code on the secret “formula” that keeps some lucky men packing on slabs of lean muscle… eye-popping new veins… and rippling pecs, abs, and biceps the size of grapefruits well into their 50s, 60s, and 70s…
From the unfortunate majority that are slow, weak, and can’t get past their own beer gut…
Then this will be the most important letter you read today. See…
Just about every muscle-bound veteran knows the secret to building ripped muscle at 40+…
While looking and feeling years younger…
And still getting those inviting glances from their spouse… or looks from hot younger women at the gym…
Has everything to do with a powerful anabolic hormone…
And can leave regular folks wasting money on expensive alternatives that promise results but never deliver…
So consider yourself lucky for landing on this special men’s health report…
Because this same substance that “magically” helps men of all ages pack on ripped muscle…
Is something that ANY man can boost safely, naturally, and LEGALLY from his own home…
Doing nothing more than putting this strange yet safe muscle salt under your tongue for just 15 seconds.
And in just a moment… I’ll share the shocking new research out of France showing how…
And these natural hormones may naturally support…
I know this all sounds too good to be true…
Maybe even like complete BS…
And that’s why today I’ll share the mountains of new research surfacing about this weird muscle-building salt from the Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging and other credible scientific publications and universities…
And I promise it’s going to surprise you just as it did me….
Because it doesn’t require protein powders or pills…
It has nothing to do with your testosterone levels…
And it’s surprisingly easy to get your hands on.
Because when you keep reading… you’re also going to discover how combining this strange muscle salt with a little-known “super amino” once a day…
Not months, not days, not even hours. MINUTES!
Imagine the kind of strength and ease of muscle-sculpting results you’ll see and feel going into a workout with more amount of anabolic hormones pumping through your veins…
Or the marathon sex sessions you’ll support when you’ve got more natural anabolic juice pulsating to your “love organ”…*
This is the kind of age-defying information the big wigs scheming their next “male performance” commercial or radio ad don’t want you to know about…
Hell— you’re about to make your buddies look like a bunch of washed-up old-timers after taking action on the cutting-edge new information inside this special men’s health report, so I know you’re excited…
But before I share this cutting-edge new research…
Let me quickly share who I am…
Then show you how you can…
And begin packing on lean muscle, pushing the weights harder, and seeing noticeable changes every time you flex in the mirror starting today…
Hi. I’m Mark Mcilyar…
A health and fitness expert for men over 40… and advisor to one of the fastest growing men’s health companies in the world.
My YouTube workouts and tips for guys our age have been watched for a combined 20+ million views…
And I’ve also been featured on a handful of different TV news networks sharing my secrets of how to stay in great shape even while pushing 60 years old.
And what I’m about to share with you took me… and even the doctors in the studies that I’ll share later… by complete surprise. See…
Just about everyone knows there are three basic things behind building muscle…
(1) lifting moderately heavy weights and getting stronger from week to week…
(2) eating clean foods instead of fast food…
(3) getting enough sleep to recover…
It’s not something you’ll find scouring muscle magazines for any hint of how to build muscle after a certain age…
In fact, most of the guys in those magazines are just hopped-up on gorilla steroids… and can simply look at a dumbbell and grow…
Which would NEVER work for someone who wants to keep natural…
Whether for moral reasons…
Or you just don’t want to risk your health…
And you sure as hell don’t have to become one of those guys who lives in the gym…
And sucks down chalky protein shakes like it’s a can of soda…
And eats chicken, rice, and broccoli for 5 square meals a day. No…
It’s not something that will pump the iron for you…
But it sure as heck will help MAXIMIZE your results with your workouts…
And give you a muscle-building edge over other guys you know… even some guys half your age.
Now before we get there it’s important to understand why it becomes harder for men to build muscle as he adds more candles to the birthday cake…
It has to do with a biological process called Anabolic Resistance. 2
Anabolic resistance is basically when the muscle-hardening signals in your body are blocked… 3 4
And according to researchers, this makes it more difficult to build muscle mass with age…
Well it’s time you forget about the naysayers in your life…
Because building muscle into your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond doesn’t have to be as difficult as you’ve been led to believe…
Because NEW studies show there’s a powerful “muscle salt”…
That when held under the tongue for just 15-seconds… can help reduce anabolic resistance in older guys… and boost what scientists call Anabolic Sensitivity…*
Which basically gives your body the “green light” to build muscle…
Instead of the “yellow or red light” that you’re stuck at today…
Where you make either incredibly slow gains or no gains at all.
See— when you were younger, you were more anabolically sensitive…
It’s one reason you could do some pushups and sit-ups and wake up the next day with fresh cuts of muscle…
Get stronger every week in the gym…
And recover like Wolverine between workouts, even if they were only hours apart.
But as you get older, the specific hormone that creates anabolic sensitivity becomes less active… which can lead to anabolic resistance… 5 6 7 8 *
This hormone is NOT testosterone…
It’s called growth hormone. Now…
I’m sure you’ve heard of growth hormone before…
Probably regarding some major league baseball scandal where guys were breaking home run records…
Or maybe you’ve glanced at a bodybuilding magazine and wondered how on earth those guys got so big… so you did some research and DING! DING! DING! It’s because they’re getting extra help…
So before I go any further, you and I need to get one thing straight…
The kind of growth hormone I’m talking about has nothing to do with any of that liar, cheater garbage.
Because the truth is… your body produces its own supply of growth hormone every single day. And…
You’ll become a phenomenon in the workplace, the gym, and when you’re out with your buddies…
Because folks are NOT used to seeing guys our age rocking ripped muscle…
Sporting t-shirts that fit snug in the RIGHT places like the arms and chest…
And having cut abs and imposing muscle mass when we strip our shirts off at the beach…
Plus— you’ll blast through those stubborn strength plateaus… and you’ll look and feel like a total beast when you pick up those heavy dumbbells and press them with greater ease.
Even your adult kids will brag about you… and say things like…
Your wife will brag about how great of shape you’re in…
And her girlfriends will be jealous because their husbands gave up on their body a long time ago…
And while they’re turning into tired-out wimps with no passion…
You grab life by the horns…
And sculpting the kind of physique that makes your wife want to jump in the shower with you.
And with the extra boost of natural growth hormone hard-charging through your veins…
You’ll FEEL the difference in other places too… and it’ll lead to a lot more excitement for the both of you.
Hell, next time you visit your doctor, he’ll probably scratch his head at how much better shape you’re in since the last visit…
He may even ask YOU for some pointers on how to whip his butt into gear…
When you boost natural growth hormone production in your body…
And maximize your anabolic sensitivity…
It’ll feel like you reversed the clock, plain and simple. Sure…
And you’ll laugh at all the guys who make a big huff about getting older… because you’re not getting older. You’re getting BETTER.
And here’s the best part…
You don’t have to do much more than dissolve a strange muscle salt under your tongue to naturally boost your God-given GH production and support greater anabolic sensitivity!*
This muscle salt is called ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate… but I’ll call it “OKG” for short like the scientists do.
Now OKG is not your typical salt like table salt or Himalayan salt…
It doesn’t add flavor to food or anything like that…
Or raise blood pressure…
Instead this flavorless salt holds so many major performance benefits for us guys especially as we get older…
A French study published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging calls…
By boosting your body’s own growth hormone production… and maintaining anabolic sensitivity as a result. 14 *
In fact— there’s a shocking difference between guys who use OKG before their workouts and guys who don’t.
A study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness…
Found OKG helped men in a five week resistance training program achieve significantly higher increases in total strength and lean body mass compared to guys who were given a placebo. 15 *
OKG has also been shown to increase amino acid production and activity. 16 *
If you didn’t know already…
Amino acids are the “building blocks” of muscle…
So the more you have… the better you can support your muscle building goals.
So that’s another major perk of OKG…
But even more exciting is that studies show when you combine OKG with a “super amino” that I’ll tell you about in a moment…
Not all OKG is created equal.
To get OKG to work as fast as possible…
And as POWERFULLY as possible…
And begin to see noticeable sleeve-splitting muscle growth in the mirror during your workouts…
Feel confident when you clasp those heavy dumbbells…
And have the ultimate experience with this natural growth hormone-inducing salt…
Then there’s only one form of OKG I recommend that I’ll share in just a minute…
And I’m telling you…
This combination of OKG plus a few other ingredients has been an absolute game-changer for me and so many other guys my age…
And I have no doubt it’ll do the same for you. Listen…
Your anabolic hormones will only drop to the point of you becoming a tired-out weakling if you allow them to…
And from now on when other guys your age talk about feeling “over the hill”…
You’re the guy saying…
Because with the help of this powerful combination of ingredients…
You’ll be the badass older guy who’s muscle-bound, strong, outgoing…
And has that take no prisoner’s attitude that everyone admires but very few guys our age have…
And instead of letting the birthday candles get inside your head…
You’ll go full-bore ahead…
Because you know age is just a number…
And now you can lift more weight and may even look better with your shirt off at 51 than you were at 21.
And I want to make it easier for you with the help of a specific form of OKG in combination with a few other ingredients that support youthful anabolic sensitivity in your body…
And that’s why myself and team here at Live Anabolic have worked our asses off to bring you a 15-second loophole that’ll separate you from the mass of other guys out there…
So you can accelerate your journey to a muscular and stronger you… safely, naturally and at ANY age. Introducing…
Anabolic Boost is the first growth hormone agent-boosting formula created for men 40+ who want to build muscle and get stronger FASTER…
Each heavily-researched science-backed ingredient inside Anabolic Boost safely supports anabolic sensitivity in the body…*
To help combat age-related muscle loss and frustrating plateaus in the gym and in the mirror so you can stay at the top of your game regardless of age…
And get HARDER muscles, STRONGER lifts, and help support your goals as you transform your body into incredible shape.
I already told you about OKG…
And how it’s a simple NEW way to tap into your body’s natural storehouse of growth hormone production…
And naturally support youthful anabolic sensitivity… *
Which makes it easier to reach your goals in the gym and feel confident when you take your shirt off.
But we didn’t stop there…
Which is a group of 4 ingredients that are shown in studies to give men our age a real advantage with your workouts.
The first ingredient inside this growth factor complex is called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
A study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found men who were given a GABA supplement PLUS OKG saw a noticeable increase in natural growth hormone production compared to their baseline. 17 *
Plus— GABA has also been shown in studies to support improved sleep quality and MAXIMIZE the amount of growth hormone the body produces while you sleep. 18 19 *
The next ingredient we added in the growth factor complex inside our Anabolic Boost formula is L-dopa bean…
This ingredient is shown in studies to help support youthful growth hormone levels…*
But more specifically in the brain… which helps to keep your mental performance as strong as your physical performance with age. 20 *
And the final ingredient we’ve included in the growth factor complex inside our Anabolic Boost formula is called moomiyo.
Moomiyo is an ancient eastern herb that’s been shown to…
Which is important for getting the most out of your newly charged growth hormone levels…
Because studies show that testosterone enhances the effect of growth hormone on muscle growth and strength. 23 *
Moomiyo has also been shown in studies to boost mental performance so you can stay focused during your workouts, at the office, and anywhere else you need to be razor sharp. 24
Now— if we were to stop there…
Anabolic Boost would already be in a league of its own as the premier natural growth-hormone boosting supplement for guys 40+…
But we wanted to make Anabolic Boost the absolute best formula it could be… so that it’s basically a one-stop-shop for everything you need to build muscle after 40.
That’s why we also added what we call…
And to make sure your body absorbs all of these ingredients so that it starts working almost immediately… we also added a…
Like I said earlier… if you want these ingredients to work as quickly and as powerfully as possible… then you need them to hit your system FAST…
Which is why Anabolic Boost isn’t a run of the mill powder or pill.
In order to get the best results from OKG and the ingredients inside the Anabolic Amino Complex and Growth Factor Complex in our formula… studies show the best way to make that happen can be by spraying these ingredients under your tongue and holding them there for 15-seconds before ingesting… 25
Which is why we created Anabolic Boost as a “muscle building spray.”
Now I get that taking a supplement in “spray” form isn’t something you’re used to…
But there’s a very important reason why we did it this way…
The tissue under your tongue is actually the fastest entry point for ingredients to get into your bloodstream and start working right away.
This way, the ingredients don’t need to travel through your digestive tract to be metabolized through the liver…
And instead it can enter the bloodstream and start working quickly.
So you can see and feel the ingredients at work.
Plus— it’s a pain-free way to get these ingredients into your bloodstream fast.
But we need to get very, very clear on something…
Anabolic Boost is NOT going to build your pecs and biceps for you…
You still have to put in the work…
What Anabolic Boost can do is assist your body in producing more of its natural growth hormone… *
And helps you optimize your anabolic sensitivity to make building muscle so much easier. All you have to do is…*
15-seconds is more than enough time for these ingredients to enter your bloodstream through the tissue under the tongue…*
And go to work FAST to help support your body’s natural growth hormone production…*
And maintain youthful anabolic sensitivity…
So you can be one of the lucky few guys who finds that it’s almost easier to build muscle and get stronger with every passing year…
Recover faster between your workouts…
Have tons of energy for the gym…
And to be an active participant instead of a spectator in your kids’ lives.
I personally like to do this before my workout or before bed…
I literally keep it on my nightstand or in my gym bag so I can spray Anabolic Boost under my tongue six times, and gain an edge that most guys only dream about.
Before I tell you how to…
We need to get something straight…
This powerful formula is NOT for everybody…
In fact, there are some people I hope never find out about it…
This stuff is not for guys who just want to spray Anabolic Boost under their tongue… then give a half-assed effort at the gym… double-fist chalupas from Taco Bell… and still think they’re gonna like a Greek god…
And then throw a hissy fit because they expected some miracle-in-a-bottle type thing.
If that’s you, don’t waste your time.
Anabolic Boost is created for guys over 40 who refuse to settle…
Are willing to put in the work to see the changes in the mirror… and ACCELERATE their results.
So I’m telling you now… do not even think about trying Anabolic Boost unless…
1) You’re serious about supporting your goals to pack on lean new muscle FAST…
2) You’re willing to continue working hard in the gym, and doing your best to eat right and stay away from the fast food…
3) And you have 15-seconds to spare every single day to be consistent taking Anabolic Boost.
If that’s you then you’re the kind of guy we developed Anabolic Boost for.
Because bottles of Anabolic Boost are already flying off the shelves at our warehouse and supplies are limited.
Every time we release a new supplement here at Live Anabolic…
We’ve even sold out in days in the past
And with the special offer we have going on right now… where you can claim a FREE bottle of Anabolic Boost… this formula is moving quickly.
Because like I said earlier…
I’ve made it my personal life’s mission to help guys like you become stronger, more muscular and confident…
Instead of living with one foot in the grave and believing that your best days are behind you.
Sure— you may have more responsibilities these days…
Kids to chase around. Bills to pay. A job…
Life may be more demanding of you. But I think you’ll agree…
And nothing beats getting those compliments from your significant other about how hot you look without a shirt on…
Having big, broad shoulders and a small, lean waistline…
And when you’re out with your buddies, YOU’RE the strong and fit guys in your crew instead of being old, fat and tired.
Plus— it feels incredible when your kids look at YOU as superman instead of their friend’s dad down the street…
When people guess your age wrong because you look so much younger than them (even if you’re the same age or older)…
And you have no hesitations about taking your shirt off on vacation or in the bedroom.
I want you to experience all of that and more…
Which is why I’ve gone above and beyond to get the price of Anabolic Boost as low as possible for you. And I’ll tell you how you can claim a FREE BOTTLE on this page in a moment.
But first I hope you understand creating a formula like this isn’t cheap or easy to do.
Because the ingredients inside Anabolic Boost are premium ingredients…
And trying to get them into a “muscle building spray” formula… so you can spray it under your tongue and it’ll hit your system right away…
Has been a hell of a tough task…
Especially because supplements you can spray under the tongue are ALWAYS more expensive because of how well they work.
But we did it and we’re dang proud of it.
That’s 46% off what you’d normally have to pay for Anabolic Boost…
But it gets even better when you stock up on more bottles today…
Because most of the studies I’ve shared with you in this report were between 8-16 weeks long so…
So I want to reward guys who take that into consideration…
And make the best decision to stock up on more than just one bottle of Anabolic Boost today.
Which is 55% off the per bottle price…
And if you want to make the best decision and stock up on 5 bottles of Anabolic Boost today…
So I guess you could say that smart men buy more…
Because the guys who stock up on Anabolic Boost and spray this formula under their tongue every morning as a part of their daily muscle-supporting ritual…
Will gain an advantage to help pack on muscle faster…*
See noticeable changes to their physique… fill out their shirt sleeves… lift big clunky dumbbells like they’re toothpicks…
And enjoy all the perks that come with being an ageless phenomenon with muscle, energy, and confidence…*
If that sounds like you then the 5 bottle option is the way to go…
Because I’ll toss in a 6th bottle absolutely free…
And you’ll save the most amount of money on your bottles of Anabolic Boost today.
So don’t wait any longer…
After you choose the bottle amount of Anabolic Boost that you’d like…
Whether that’s the 5 bottle option with the 6th bottle free… the 3 bottle option.. Or whichever one works best for you…
Click the “Order Now” button…
And after that you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order…
Once you complete that page, we’ll get your bottles of Anabolic Boost in the mail right away… and your supply will typically arrive in your mailbox or at your door in just 3-5 business days.
I know making a decision to try something new like this is a big one… and that’s why I want to make this decision as easy as possible for you…
And back you up with an unbeatable guarantee… so you can have complete peace of mind making the best decision to stock up on your supply of Anabolic Boost right now while supplies last.
I’m so excited for you to experience the powerful muscle, strength and recovery enhancing ingredients inside Anabolic Boost…
That I want to make it as easy as possible for you to try it absolutely risk-free.
That’s why when you order your supply of Anabolic Boost right now, today…
I’ll back your purchase with our 365-day 100% money back guarantee.
If you’re not totally satisfied with the results you get from Anabolic Boost…
And you don’t experience a noticeable improvement in your body’s natural growth hormone production… have an easier time building muscle at any age… with support to help get stronger week after week… and recover faster between your workouts…*
Then all you have to do is send us an email and let us know… and we’ll refund every penny.
No questions asked. No hassles. No long, annoying return process with a bunch of paperwork to fill out. You won’t even have to return the bottles.
We’ve gone above and beyond to take all the risk off your shoulders so once you complete your order you can feel great on your end… because you’re getting to try your supply of Anabolic Boost for a full year on us.
I doubt you’ll want a refund.
The ingredients in our formula are research-supported to help guys of all ages…
So if you want to call the shots on your gains in the gym again…
And be one of the few, strong, muscle-bound older guys who looks better than those young bucks…
Get your gawking over how great you look…
And feel at the top of your game regardless of age…
Because bottles of Anabolic Boost are going fast…
Alright— we’re getting down to the end of this men’s health report…
So I want to make your choices crystal clear.
I’m a firm believer that if you commit yourself to building muscle after 40…
And use Anabolic Boost daily, train hard, eat right, stay focused, and don’t lose sight of that man you want to be… then all bets are off.
What you believe CAN happen WILL happen if you stay focused on what you want to achieve. And you can forget about the measly 2 cents that jealous haters and naysayers want to fill your head with.
Hell— that’s been my mantra from day 1…
I mean— I competed in a bodybuilding competition at 53-years old…
And if I listened to all the people who said I’d get whomped on stage… and if I lost my focus to go after what I really wanted… I never would’ve been able to accomplish it.
Now, I’m not telling you that to stroke my own ego…
I’m sharing it to tell you that whatever you set your mind to… and if you stay persistent and keep your commitment to yourself… you WILL achieve all of your goals and turn your dreams into a reality.
You know— a lot of guys our age say all the right things about what they need to do to build muscle…
But they’re also full of excuses…
And it makes me so angry when I hear a guy our age talk about how he wants to look great with his shirt off, get rid of his beer gut, get strong like he used to be…
“BUT” is just a code word for “here comes my pathetic excuse.”
Listen— I get that sometimes life throws you a curveball that you just can’t hit…
And maybe there will be a short season of time here and there when getting in shape like you want, just isn’t possible.
But 99.99% of the time… that isn’t the case.
Most of the time it’s just a bunch of bogus rationalizations and excuses that keep guys our age from reaching the top…
Having the kind of body that women gush over…
Crushing your workouts and fitness goals…
And just being a confident guy who takes charge of his own life for crying out loud.
Listen— you have an opportunity right here and now to man-up… take control… and make the best decision for yourself.
I don’t care where you’re starting from today…
Or what your current weight and fitness level is…
I don’t even care if you’ve never touched a weight a day in your life and up until now you’ve been a self-proclaimed couch potato…
The fact of the matter is…
Option #1 is you can choose to forget about everything you’ve learned today…
Ignore the research on how your growth hormone levels have likely dropped with age…
Which has put your body in a state of anabolic resistance… which makes it harder to build muscle after you turn 35 and every year after that…
And how even sticking to your workout program…
Guzzling protein shakes…
And even having high testosterone levels…
Still isn’t enough to really help you burst through the invisible glass ceiling that’s keeping you from building the quality muscle and strength you desire and deserve.
If you take this option you’ll keep comparing your progress to when you were in your 20s and early 30s…
When the gains were rapid and noticeable…
And get frustrated when you only make a few small changes that nobody else notices but you.
You’ll keep putting in tons of work… spinning your wheels for minimal results… and wonder if it’s really worth it to workout for little return on your investment.
When that happens you’ll likely take the route most guys our age do…
Accept the lie that your best days are behind you…
Or that you’ve reached your genetic limit…
Start looking for excuses not to train…
And join the utter mass of men who give up on their body… and so their body gives up on them.
I hope like hell this isn’t you…
Because it doesn’t have to be this way.
Some guys “go quietly into the night,” as they say…
But because you’re still reading, I don’t believe you’re one of those guys.
Which is why the next option is the only one that makes sense for you.
Option #2 is to redefine your strategy for building muscle, getting stronger and having tons of energy and confidence…
By using the science-backed ingredients inside our Anabolic Boost muscle-building spray… to help you train smarter and harder in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond…
So you can finally get the results you desire and deserve.
This is THE cutting-edge new way for guys our age to safely, naturally support increase anabolic sensitivity…*
So you can pack on slabs of lean muscle… eye-popping new veins… and rippling pecs, abs and biceps the size of grapefruits…
Show up your younger self and break personal records in the gym…
Make your wife’s fantasies come true every time you take your shirt off…
Get compliments left and right from colleagues and younger guys at the gym…
Have the energy and strength to be like Superman to your kids…
All by simply spraying Anabolic Boost under your tongue and holding it there for 15-seconds… and letting the ingredients quickly enter your bloodstream and start working within minutes.
This is your moment to take charge and finally see the gains you want…
Because Anabolic Boost is one of the easiest ways to naturally increase growth hormone production and signalling…*
And since there are so many guys who would crawl over broken glass for a chance to build muscle size and strength like when they were younger…
Bottles of Anabolic Boost are already flying off the shelves at our warehouse…
So I can’t guarantee that we’ll still be in stock a day or even an hour from now…
Especially because lots of guys are choosing the 5 bottle option so they can get a 6th bottle of Anabolic Boost for free…
And when our supply occassionally runs out… it may take up to 4-6 weeks before we’re back in stock…
I hate that it’s this way… but it’s out of my control. And it just goes to show how important it is to act now.
So here’s what to do while we’re still in stock…
I’m excited for how quickly you’ll notice a difference after using Anabolic Boost to help you get “anabolic sensitive” again…
And experience the quality muscle and strength gains that most guys our age only dream about.
And I’ve made it possible for anyone who claims bottles of Anabolic Boost to get in touch with me personally and tell me how much they love this formula after ordering today.
So please know that I’m available… and here to help you along the way so you can be proud of your physique and keep the gains going strong at any age.
Thank you for taking the time to read this special men’s health report…
Take this important step to order your supply of Anabolic Boost and I’ll see you on the other side.
Anabolic Boost is for men 40+ who want to build muscle like they could in their 20s and 30s… help beat personal bests in the gy … recover faster in between workouts… and have tons of energy and confidence at any age.
This science-backed formula helps guys beat age-related muscle loss, or “slow go” results from their workouts safely and naturally in just a few seconds a day.
With that said, Anabolic Boost won’t lift the weights for you. But it will give you a natural growth hormone advantage that most guys miss after turning 40.*
Anabolic Boost is a combination of safe and unique ingredients shown in studies to increase anabolic sensitivity… *
Anabolic Boost is flavorless so you don’t have to worry about it tasting nasty like other growth hormone sprays. I recommend doing this first thing in the morning for the best results. *
Anabolic Boost contains 12 science-backed ingredients that are safe and shown in studies to support anabolic sensitivity by promoting natural growth hormone production and signaling at any age.*
The ingredients inside Anabolic Boost are:
Alpha Glyceryl-phosphoryl Choline (Alpha GPC)
Gamma-aminobutyric acid
L-dopa bean
I get that taking a supplement in “spray” form isn’t something you’re used to… but there’s a very important reason why we did it this way…
You see— the tissue under your tongue is actually the fastest entry point for ingredients to get into your bloodstream and start working right away. This way, the ingredients don’t need to travel through your digestive tract to be metabolized through the liver… and instead it can enter the bloodstream and start working in seconds. *
This is the fastest absorption technology for the ingredients inside Anabolic Boost which helps guarantee ultra-fast delivery into your system so you can start to feel the ingredients at work. *
Because Anabolic Boost is a spray that you hold under the tongue, the ingredients inside our formula will hit the bloodstream fast, which means they’ll start going to work and start supporting a boost in anabolic sensitivity right away. *
Now— Anabolic Boost won’t lift the weights for you. But as long as you take this formula each morning with a consistent resistance training program, you’ll build muscle easier, support losing fat, get stronger, and recover faster in between workouts than you do right now… and maybe even faster than you have in years or decades. *
Yes— and it’s an ironclad 365-day 100% money back guarantee.
That means after ordering your supply of Anabolic Boost today, you have a full year to give it a try on us.
If for whatever reason you don’t love your experience with Anabolic Boost, just send an email to our friendly customer service team and you’ll get a full refund on your investment today…
Even if you order all 5 bottles and get the 6th bottle free and there’s not a single spray left by the time you’re done.
There are no hassles. No hoops to jump through. You won’t even have to send the bottles back like most companies will make you do.
I have no doubt you’re going to be pumped about your experience with Anabolic Boost because the ingredients in our formula are backed by science, and shown effective in trials…
Plus— because you’ll spray Anabolic Boost under the tongue, you can rest assured that the ingredients will hit your bloodstream quickly and won’t get burnt up in your belly acid, so you can begin to virtually feel the effects of these ingredients in minutes and with continued use.
I can’t say for sure. Bottles of Anabolic Boost are already flying off the shelves at our warehouse. And when we run out of our supply, it can take up to 4-6 weeks before we’re restocked…
Which is why you should get Anabolic Boost right now today while supplies last…
Especially because most guys are stocking up on the 5 bottle option for the best deal, and so they can get the 6th bottle FREE.
Choose the supply of Anabolic Boost that works best for you…
I personally recommend choosing the 5 bottle option and I’ll toss in a 6th bottle free of charge.
After choosing how many bottles you’d like…
Click the “Order Now” button below…
Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…
And in the next 3-5 business days your supply of Anabolic Boost will arrive at your door or in your mailbox and you can experience the natural growth hormone boosting ingredients beginning with your very first dose.
And remember— your supply of Anabolic Boost is backed with a full 365-day 100% money back guarantee. So we’ve taken all the risk on ourselves.
So take advantage of today’s discount while supplies last…
Order your supply of Anabolic Boost now and increase natural growth hormone production and signalling, build muscle faster, recover quickly, and get stronger at any age.
I can’t wait to hear about your experience with this researched-based formula.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.
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Click here to get Anabolic Boost at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.
Anabolic Boost is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.