Beliefs and Patterns – How Can They Help Heal IBD?

If you’ve read my blog post on Letting Go of Revenge & Moving into Love / Acceptance, you’ve been introduced to a great video by Iyanla Vanzant who was interviewed by Jessica Ortner.
I wanted to dig a little deeper into the great insights Iyanla offered, as implementing these points (especially for IBD patients) in healing can be HUGE.
When I talk about my own healing journey, it wasn’t until I addressed and healed the emotional component that I got LONG LASTING results. Otherwise, I’d just take a new supplement that works for a while and then stop working – leaving me with another boost. However, once I became aware of my negative beliefs and patterns, my deeper healing actually occurred.
Beliefs and patterns
Iylanya says, “We conform to our own beliefs,” probably because it is convenient. However, unless you “clear up negative beliefs” – any belief that makes you feel bad or contrary to what you want in life – those beliefs will simply continue to “RE-CREATE this situation.”
Basically, clinging to the same beliefs leads to the same result, and that situation that you no longer want will recreate itself over and over again.
This guides us into patterns.
When you see a pattern. BREAK.
This can be any pattern, but I like the example Iyanla used in her video. She talked about how many of us can cope with a relationship that ends with jumping back into another. It can temporarily help ease the pain of the breakup, yes, but we all know that rebounds are usually not good in the long run!
Here was her point: When we come out of something big, particularly traumatic or even something small – why don’t we take the time to pause and think? Taking a BREAK is so underestimated and underestimated. This reflection can help us figure out what happened and how not to repeat it again!
Jini has always believed in the power of pause and silence. It has helped her tremendously on her healing journey, and it has helped my healing too. When you go away you get clarity and so many other things. Taking a break gives you the opportunity to focus on what you want again – rather than the worst that lies ahead of you all day. It’s like taking a break, a mini vacation for your mind and body as they work so hard for you every day.
Iyanla says she had a light bulb moment regarding patterns when she was on a plane. She noticed that the plane had to go around the control tower and runway, and just before take off, it stopped and paused. Her deep insight came at that moment:
“To catch and fly, you have to stop. Are you wondering what I experienced? What have I learned?”
Take a step back to reflect on what happened and the pattern associated with it. That way, you can be aware of it, change it, and change the results!
Iyanla says that “the things that frighten us the most bring us the greatest strength”.
We can be so patterned that positive, happy feelings appear alien to ourselves and are just as scary. Especially when we are so used to feelings of guilt, self-blame, and negative things that we don’t know those “feel good vibes and emotions”.
But once you do it, it’s so FREE.
How can all of this help IBD?
Based on our previous experiences with chronic illnesses, we can believe that we are not going to HEAL. You couldn’t heal in the past, so it won’t happen now … but we are living in the past when we think that way.
Based on logic, what I’m saying here may not make sense. For example, if you have Crohn’s disease and you are dying, you might say, “Yes – but this is my current reality. I’m sick.”
Which leads me to another point: our body hears what we are saying about it. So if we continue to create the “I am unhealthy” identity, it will hear it – and it will continue to be sick!
I learned this technique on my own deathbed while suffering from extreme ulcerative colitis and I put it into practice every day. I saw myself well. I imagined myself to be a healthy woman.
What did that look like?
How did it feel
I would put myself in THIS reality and see and feel what my life would be like. As you do this, not only will you feel great, but you will focus on the future, YOUR future, and not get stuck in the past.
This also applies to unhealthy habits and patterns that can interfere with your overall healing. These bad habits can be emotional, nutritional, negative patterns in relationships and / or jobs. Anything that you stick to or that you stick to by default but want to change.
Breaking these patterns …
If you’re wondering why you keep engaging with the same destructive pattern, relationship, or thought over and over again …
If you are wondering:
Why do I always choose the same partner – different face?
Why don’t I have enough money?
Why am i still sick?
I encourage you to check out this groundbreaking healing course that Jini developed for LTYG readers and others struggling with chronic health problems, disempowerment, lack of abundance, unsupportive relationships, and boring lives. Because our unresolved / unhealed manure is holding us back!
And so I leave the following to you:
Remember the words of Joe Dipenza: “If you want something to change, you have to stop doing all the same things. You cannot expect change by thinking the same thoughts and beliefs, doing the same job, maintaining the same relationships, eating the same food, and expecting change to come. Something has to give way, and that starts with you taking the first step by changing what you are doing – changing your reality to what you want. “
Hope all of this has been helpful to you! Addressing the emotional aspect of healing can be intense, but it’s worth it. What are your favorite exercises for healing the underlying emotional components of IBD? I would love to hear your thoughts!
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery using exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.