Weight loss

Can We Tighten Loose Skin? The Truth About Loose Skin After Weight Loss

“Can we tighten loose skin? The Truth About Loose Skin After Weight Loss ”- Monica May

When you first go on a weight loss journey, you have certain body goals and expectations.

However, a reality check is started to let you know that things are not always as we plan them to be.

One of those things for a lot of people is loose skin.

I know a lot of you out there are struggling with loose skin after your weight loss and don’t really know what to do.

For some of you it is in certain parts of the body, for some fortunate people it is imperceptible at all, and for some of you it is on every inch of the body.

The question is, can we do something about it?

Let’s jump right in!

A quick note:

I know this can be a sensitive issue for some of you.
Just know that I want to be as honest with you as possible.
I’m not here to offer you a magical solution because it really doesn’t exist. I just want to give you the facts and tell you the truth.

If you have loose skin issues, I want you to know that you are as beautiful and unique as you are.
You are a real worrying person and should be proud of yourself!

Can We Tighten Loose Skin?

The Truth About Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Why do we have loose skin?

First of all, skin is the largest organ in our body.

Of course, thanks to elastin, which provides elasticity, and collagen, which provides firmness and firmness, the skin can expand and be elastic.

Now we’re growing from babies to adults with the same skin.
It just expands with no problem.

The same thing actually happens during weight gain – our skin expands to make room for more growth, just as it expands for pregnancy.

It should be noted that the skin expansion during pregnancy takes a little more than a few months. This makes it easier for the expanded skin to pull back within a few months.

However, it is difficult to put this skin back in while it has been stretched for an extended period of time.

Since most obese people carry their extra weight for years, the skin has been stretched over a long period of time, which has damaged collagen and elastin fibers.

As a result, the skin loses some of its ability to pull back.

This isn’t a big problem for people who have lost small to moderate amounts of weight as the skin will most likely pull back on its own or be helped.

However, for people who have experienced severe weight loss in most cases, it is almost impossible to withdraw (at least not naturally).

The Truth About Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Can we prevent this from happening?

Let me just say that it is normal to have loose skin after weight loss.

Especially if you’ve lost over 100 pounds, the more likely you are more likely to have loose skin on some parts of your body.

Anyway, there are certain things that can help with loose skin and I’ll list them right away.

Build some muscle

Building muscle is one thing that can help tighten loose skin to some extent.

While it doesn’t literally tighten the skin, it can help you get the shape you want.

If you have too much loose skin, the muscle building may not be enough to fill the space, but it will still do a great job.

So if you are losing weight, try to incorporate a lot of weight lifting and strength training.

Diet and cardio alone without muscle building can lead to even looser skin.


One really important thing is to eat healthy and include foods and ingredients that are good for your skin.

As I read on the internet, I found that collagen and elastin are two of the main ingredients in keeping your skin healthy and “more elastic”.

That said, for some people, foods rich in collagen have done a lot in tightening loose skin.

Collagen and elastin are found in red fruits and vegetables, carrots, beans, seeds, nuts, and fish.

Drink enough

Another important factor is hydration, as hydration greatly affects the elasticity of your skin.

Staying well hydrated will make the skin tighter and more elastic, making it easier for the skin to snap back when some weight is lost.

Can We Tighten Loose Skin?  The Truth About Loose Skin After Weight Loss

But what if I still have loose skin?

The fact is, even though you do everything right, you can still have loose skin.

That’s because loose skin is a natural process after weight loss and there is no magic solution that can prevent it from happening.

It can depend on so many other things like genetics, age, skin type, amount of weight you’ve lost.

One thing to understand is that loose skin is perfectly normal.

Hug it, be proud of it, and practice loving it.

While I really can’t say I speak from personal experience when it comes to loose skin after weight loss, I have a similar problem:

My breasts went quite slack almost immediately, within the first year of weight loss.

I got fit, I have muscles all over my body, I eat healthy, I made creams, I did massages, I did exercises, I did push-ups …

And you know what? You guessed it! I still have sagging breasts.

This is because breasts usually get their size and firmness from adipose tissue, as they are mostly made up of fat.

Since I no longer have that, I can proudly say that I now have peanut-sized flabby breasts.

So what?! It’s the biggest picture that matters.

This video has been very helpful to me on my way to realizing that loose skin after weight loss is a perfectly normal thing, and we are not alone with it.

I also read a comment under this video that says:

“Think of loose skin after weight loss than battle scars after a war”.

Got goosebumps after reading it 🙂

Products to help you get rid of loose skin

I’ve read it all, I’ve seen all the videos I need to see, I’ve done my research …

With a heavy heart, I have to say that there is not a single product, diet, or exercise that can help you get rid of loose skin after weight loss.

Please don’t let them take your money and time, and most importantly, don’t be fooled that you haven’t done all that needs to be done.

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You did the hardest part. You lost the weight. Loose skin is not unhealthy and cannot be altered naturally. Period.

Keep training, eat healthy and keep loving yourself!

See you next time, babes!

Hope I have helped you learn all about loose skin. If you liked my article “Can We Tighten Loose Skin? The Truth About Loose Skin After Weight Loss Don’t Forget To Share It With Your Friends!

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