What is BPC-157 Peptide and does it help IBD?

One of our readers recently wrote about his experience with BPC-157:
“I took it for 3 months and found it useless. A few weeks later I realized that it was really that game changer. In addition to ending pain and cramps, my hair was coming back (autoimmune hair loss). I was shocked. The prices have dropped significantly. The competition is on. All labs have specials and sales. The difference between what the Rx was and what is on the market as a supplement is that you have to take two capsules instead of one. Easy. “- MM
Peptides are so popular right now! But what do they do and are they really helpful for IBD patients?
What are peptides?
Well, peptides are amino acids – basically the building blocks of certain proteins that are needed in the body. In the gut, peptides are described as:
“… Chemical messengers that regulate gastrointestinal (GI) functions such as secretion, motility, absorption, digestion and cell proliferation. These polypeptides are produced by endocrine cells in the stomach, pancreas or intestine and act locally through autocrine or paracrine mechanisms or at remote sites in a classic endocrine manner. The intestinal peptides are also produced in the central and peripheral nervous systems, where they act as neurotransmitters. “
What is BPC-157?
According to the Thompson Clinic, BPC-157 is a synthesized peptide made up of a partial sequence of the Body Protection Compound protein (the “BPC” in “BPC-157”) found in gastric juice in your own stomach. It is believed that BPC-157 protects cells and interacts and changes other proteins and their pathways, particularly to promote tissue reconstruction and repair.
BPC-157 = body armor connection 157.
I recommend watching this great video from Drew Timmermans, ND, as it offers another great explanation for BPC-157. It is sold in liquid form, injected subcutaneously under the skin, or as a powder in capsule form.
In some countries, BPC-157 is not an approved supplement. You can still get it, but it is sold with a warning and the bottle says: For Research Use Only
What can BPC-157 do for me?
This compound is naturally made in gastric juices. Animal studies therefore show that as a synthetic supplement it can aid intestinal healing. This peptide is said to help heal the intestinal lining, nerves, joints, cartilage, etc. It is very beneficial for ligament and bowel healing.
Another benefit is that for those who heal very slowly, peptides can really help speed up this process. It has been called the “Wolverine Cure”.
BPC-157 is believed to help repair tissue and protect it from further damage. It is widely used in the Thompson Clinic and it is stated that:
“BPC 157 is widely used to speed the healing process of stubborn orthopedic injuries such as partial ligament and rotator cuff tears, and most importantly to help these injuries fully heal. We also use BPC-157 in patients with GERD, IBS, leaky bowel and Crohn’s disease. These inflammatory bowel diseases have limited treatment options, but we see that BPC-157 works wonders by repairing intestinal lining lesions, reducing inflammation, and preventing ulcers.
Recently we discovered the use of BPC-157 in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. BPC-157 has been shown to help repair brain tissue and promote healing in the brain after TBI. From TBI and PTSD to liver damage from alcohol, BPC-157 will heal and protect your organs that need it most and help you live a healthy life. “
Why is BPC-157 not approved by the FDA?
Since BPC 157 in gastric juices is NATURALLY produced in the body, it cannot be patented! Again, it cannot be patented because it occurs naturally in the body. Therefore, when something cannot be patented, there is a lack of funding and research to get it approved for use by the FDA. I have never had any side effects while taking BPC and I have heard from others and their success stories while using it.
However, it is always a good idea to research BPC 157 yourself before taking this product! Please also contact your doctor about this.
My personal experience with BPC-157
I took BPC-157 in capsule form about 8 weeks ago a year and a half ago – not liquid. I took it once a day on an empty stomach, so the morning usually worked best for me. I would like to point out that by the time I started taking it, I was 75% cured of my ulcerative colitis, so personally I didn’t notice any immediate results for my gut.
I’ve tried my sinuses too! I opened the capsules and added them to my nasal sprays and nasal rinse for my severe allergies and sinusitis. I noticed results here almost immediately!
Of course, always check with your health care professional before getting creative with any of these other BCP 157 methods. Just wanted to share my journey with you so you can see how versatile this product can be! For example, it can be used orally, injected, taken nasally (for problems like me and all of my allergies), and / or used in enemas.
Using this orally or as an enema is awesome! If I were still looking for solutions to my IBD, I would definitely give it a try – I would follow Jini’s enema instructions and get all the supplies I needed here. Jini’s Complete Healing Enema Kit contains complete instructions on how to maintain a retention enema at home. So if it were me I would open the BPC capsule and pour it in along with the enema mixture in the process of making it to cover and treat all of your bases.
I’ve personally heard from others struggling with IBD or IBS who have taken BPC-157 and it was their game changer! I LOVE the way BCP-157 is used to heal a lesion or ulcer, and for IBD patients who are experiencing bleeding and strictures, it makes perfect sense that BPC-157 can be helpful in their healing.
Since the healing of my bowel was already there I believe it helped my bowel heal faster but I noticed really instant results when I used it for my chronic sinusitis when I used it in my neti pot. I decided to put one capsule in my neti pot every day – that way I got it into all of my sinuses. I also had a bottle of ion biome nasal spray so I dropped the powdered BPC-157 capsule into the nasal spray and used it that way. Let me tell you, I went from not breathing in my nose to having both nostrils opened in minutes!
Anyway, I hope this information was useful. Have any of you used BPC-157 yourself? Was it a game changer for you or not so much? Tell me in the comments!
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to a completely drug and surgery-free case using only natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / spirit on the healing journey firsthand.