Wild oregano oil against bee stings and insect stings

While summer is still in full swing, so are all the insects – so BEES! If you’ve been stung before, you know how painful it can be.
My mom is a bit allergic so of course we were concerned when she told us she had been stung. The bee caught her finger and it was instantly red, swollen, and painful.
My mother looked at me, knowing I was working with Jini, and asked, βWhat should I do?β In search of a natural way to alleviate the situation, my brain started working and I started using supplements thinking about having anti-inflammatory properties …
“Wild Oregano Oil!” About thirty seconds later, I blurted out. Wild oregano oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so my first thought was that it might help “bring everything down”.
Immediately after the stitch
I immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed the wild oregano oil we had (North American Herb & Spice brand from Jini’s Shoppe) and soaked it on the finger where it was pricked. We left it there with nothing else touching it and waited.
Within minutes she said the pain was gone! And two hours later the inflammation was gone.
After two days of wild oregano oil being topically applied to the area, it looked like nothing had happened – which is pretty incredible as bite marks can sometimes linger for a while.
Since my mother’s bee sting, we have used WOO a lot for all other bites this summer. My friend tried it with her mosquito bites … and lo and behold, in a few minutes the itch was gone!
Two hours later with WOO
Jini actually has an entire section on Antidote Protocols in her eBook What You Need to Know About Wild Oregano Oil (download your free copy here!). You can find the antidote information on page 14, where Jini explains how she used it on all of her family members.
In the e-book, Jini also explains that wild oregano oil is able to neutralize certain poisonous stings from toxins and pathogens. It’s also useful to prevent infection from animal bites and stab wounds, as it reduces inflammation and pain from stings or bites.
She recommends applying it directly to the area and then taking a few drops internally to increase the effect.
She recommends an even further dilution of 7: 1 (7 drops of cold-pressed organic olive oil to 1 drop of wild oregano oil) for children if their wound / bite / sting is on the face (keep them away from the eyes) and a 4: 1 dilution for adults and facial bites / stings / wounds.
Two days later!
Jini says full adult strength can be used on the limbs and torso, which is why I put it right on her bite for Mommy’s sting without any dilution. If this is causing discomfort, feel free to add more olive oil to your mixture. Use a 4: 1 dilution for children on the limbs and trunk.
*Note: Never use oregano essential oil externally or internally! It is best to only use the brands of wild oregano oil recommended by Jini as these are already diluted accordingly.
Alternatives to wild oregano oil
If WOO isn’t working on your bites, or for some reason you can’t use it, bentonite clay is a great alternative! The ones we have in the shop can also be used topically.
According to the company (Great Plains), “It is good for skin irritations, rashes, insect bites, and acne (helps with ingestion as well) and many other things. We have customers who use it for a mask and also for clay baths. “
So you can take the bentonite clay and put it on the sting or bite. If it were me personally, I would leave it on for at least 20 minutes, if not longer, to help with irritation and remove toxins from the sting or bite.
Have you ever used WOO or bentonite clay for insect bites or stings? If and / or when you try these methods, please share your experience with me! Did it help? Leave a comment below and share it with me.
Until next time, happy healing – and always listen to your gut feeling!
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery with exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.