Anti-Pathogen Treatment: The Basic Way to Heal Your Gut!

What is an anti-pathogen treatment?
Here at LTYG we refer to anti-pathogens a lot! But what are they exactly and what do they do? Today I want to provide some clarification about anti-pathogens and tips on how to take them.
An anti-pathogen is a drug or dietary supplement that counteracts the effects of a pathogen, which then leads to the question … what are pathogens?
Pathogens are microorganisms that can cause diseases such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and worms. It can really be any living being that causes damage or disease in the body, such as B. bad bacteria ingested after eating bad food, or even parasites.
Learn More About This Basic Way To Heal Your Gut!
In her 8 Key Steps video, Jini mentions that IBD diseases are actually infectious diseases. The “infectious” part probably started with some type of pathogen. So, if you’re still having trouble curing IBD, the very chances are that you still have an underlying infection or untreated organisms in your gastrointestinal tract.
Well, there are different stages of healing … so before you go out and buy every anti-pathogen on the market, please be careful! It’s usually best to start anti-pathogens when you are stable with your systems and body. So don’t start when you’re in the middle of an intense nudge.
Why? Because anti-pathogens disrupt the flora in the digestive system by simply doing what they’re supposed to – kill the “bad guys.” Unfortunately, since the anti-pathogen eliminates bad bacteria from the gut and body, this killing can also cause temporary flu-like symptoms. This is actually called a Herxheimer reaction and is completely normal! These “dying off” symptoms (so called because the pathogens are dying) is why it is best to start slowly – not in the middle of severe symptoms – as you can exacerbate these negative symptoms by taking an anti-pathogen.
Most likely, you didn’t get this disease overnight, so you’ll need to purge it slowly or you can do further damage by jumping in too aggressively. It is best to start with a LOW dose and SLOWLY increase. If you’ve never taken an anti-pathogen, you can start with just 1 drop. Yes, only one! Then see how your body reacts.
I could literally only ingest ONE DROP of wild oregano oil for 6 months and would still feel very sick if I didn’t start detoxing 20 minutes after consuming it. I had so many toxins stored in my body! If that sounds like you, check out my interview with Jini about all of my detox tips and protocols.
To achieve a therapeutic dose, you should take more than 1 drop at some point, but go with your body’s pace. For some, smaller doses more often spread out throughout the day work better than higher doses all at once. This is your time to experiment and see what your body is telling you – listen to your gut feeling 🙂
Your body needs space, time, and detox to get all of the evils out. But how do you detox? Go into the search box of this blog and type “detox” to see all of our posts on the topic – including detox food recipes. Jini also wrote a fantastic blog post about using an infrared sauna to detox and cure IBD.
Jini’s Lazer tapping class is also an amazing type of detox. It helps shift energy (since tapping is often focused on “letting go”) so letting go of what is no longer serving you – physically and energetically – is a great relief. I type when I get a HERX reaction and it helps my symptoms subside as I shift that stagnant energy!
How often should you take anti-pathogens?
This varies depending on the severity and healing stage. If you stick to the slow and slow suggestion, it could take you a year to get to a therapeutic dose … or you could get there in a day with no problems. Everyone is SO different so it’s best to start slowly and listen to what your body needs.
Most important, however, is the need to turn anti-pathogens on and off. This is the part that a lot of people don’t know about. You won’t be receiving anti-pathogen treatment every day for the rest of your life – and in reality, you should only use an anti-pathogen until the infection has cleared. It’s not intended for everyday use, but sometimes our intestines are so full of toxins that it takes more than one cycle to get rid of all the bad guys. This is where cycling begins.
Per Jini: “You can toggle on and off as needed as you may have a bacterial / fungal hybrid that has a dormant / active life cycle – this can take up to 3 years to completely eradicate.” Many people (especially those with stubborn infections) prefer to switch between olive leaf and wild oregano so the pathogens don’t get used to a substance – they consider this to be a stronger approach.
Lean back into your body wisdom to clarify how long, what and what dose of an anti-pathogen should be taken. And if you need a little more guidance, I recommend seeking private coaching with Jini’s recommended practitioners (which I have done).
ALWAYS take probiotics!
Jinis Wild Oregano Oil Protocol (found in her Healing Guide: Natural Treatments for Gut Infection and one of her great books) always combines the use of wild oregano with a strong probiotic. This also applies to ANY anti-pathogen therapy because the anti-pathogens kill the “bad guys” – so you want to make sure that the “good guys” (or beneficial bacteria) are replenished! Probiotics and anti-pathogens need to be at least 2 hours apart as you don’t want to kill the good bacteria you’re ingesting – so don’t ingest them together!
Personally, I like to have a routine:
- I take my probiotics and other supplements that need to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning when I wake up
- Then I drink my morning shake
- In the morning I take a dose of anti-pathogens. This way I consume them before I eat again at noon, as ideally they should be taken on an empty stomach.
- Then I wait a couple of hours, take a second dose, and then wait with dinner / dinner.
But that’s not the only schedule that works! I recommend finding out what is best for your routine, body, etc. If you need guidance, here are some additional resources to help you navigate a confusing supplement plan:
Confusing Supplement Plan – HELP!
Confusing Supplement Plan – 4 Simplifying Tips
Before & after examples of supplementation plans
I can also honestly say that the Listen to Your Gut Shoppe offers the best of the best when it comes to products! Both the wild oregano oil and the olive leaf extract are available in capsule and dropper options.
Capsules with olive leaf extract
Olive leaf extract (dropper)
Wild oregano oil (capsules & droppers)
Try to stay grounded wherever you can on your healing journey – use Lazer Tapping or Jini’s Guided Meditations – as trying these different techniques will give you massive insight into your body. And make sure to check out the ANTI-PATHOGEN treatments on your healing journey if you haven’t already! They were game changers for me. 🙂
Happy healing!
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery using exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.