Can I start anti-pathogen treatment during Crohn’s Disease / Flare Colitis?

Is it wise to start anti-pathogen treatment in the middle of a flare-up? In this video, Linsy answers a fantastic reader question we asked in response to Linsy’s recent blog post Anti-Pathogen Treatment: The Fundamental Way to Heal Your Gut!
The question is:
“Hello Linsy. Great blog post. I have a question about something you said – “best to start slowly – not in the midst of severe symptoms”.
They mention that it is best when your body is stable, and not during a flare-up. I started with 10 drops of WOO but only half a teaspoon of probiotics. Is it bad? I thought the WOO protocol will help kill the bad guys (good too) and with the probiotics (2 hours after) it will help make things better. Why should you wait until after a flare up?
And what should you do to “help” the flare up when you are not using the WOO protocol? I understand that dying symptoms can be difficult to deal with – that’s why you mention you’re starting out slowly, but I don’t understand how to wait until after the flare-up to start the WOO. Do I not understand correctly? Thanks in advance!”
Linsy’s answer:
First off, I want to say that I appreciate your getting in touch – especially since this is a FANTASTIC question!
I like to explain it this way … Anti-pathogens are very important for natural healing. However, if I have SEVERE symptoms like bleeding, profuse bleeding, constant vomiting like in the beginning, I would be really reluctant to start anti-pathogens in THESE cases. Only because the anti-pathogens usually cause more symptoms in the beginning and I personally do not want to go to the hospital if my symptoms would increase with the start of anti-pathogen treatment.
In these severe cases, it can just be too much for the body to process. Your body has to be stable enough to detoxify! However, if it is more stable and calmer – THEN I would definitely introduce the anti-pathogens because the body can process it better.
If the symptoms were tolerable (like diarrhea but no bleeding), I would still take anti-pathogens. However, when my symptoms were so extreme that I couldn’t take any additional stress on my body. THEN I would stay away from the anti-pathogens.
I definitely took anti-pathogens during a flare, but ONLY when my body was ready to go through the detox. I prepared for success by prepping my body to detox and mucosal healing BEFORE I started using anti-pathogens. If you’re having severe symptoms and your body is telling you it’s not ready to start anti-pathogens, there is still a lot you can do to introduce them.
Two things that I used to heal the mucosal layer before introducing anti-pathogens are L-glutamine and MucosaCalm.
MucosaCalm helped relieve my bleeding so I could start taking WOO, and L-glutamine helped soothe and strengthen my lining.
LISTEN to your body and gut again! You know yourself well enough to feel if it’s time to start anti-pathogens or if your gut is too sensitive.
When I am going through major life stresses, such as moving house – I know my body and I KNOW that it would be too much if I started anti-pathogen treatment at the same time. I would definitely take Herx and my body would be miserable!
When I say Herx, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, I mean that I have a reaction to the bad bacteria that die as a result of the antipathogen. I recently made a video with Jini about extreme Herx reactions and IBD.
So, like I said – when I start anti-pathogen treatment, I pay attention to how I feel, what’s going on around me, my surroundings – to make sure it’s the right time to start with the Anti -To start pathogen treatment, so I am not rushing myself and making my symptoms worse.
In order! Well, S, I hope that answered your question! And if you’re interested in learning more about Jini’s most popular anti-pathogen, Wild Oregano Oil, download Jini’s FREE eBook on All You Need to Know About Wild Oregano Oil.
In the eBook, Jini takes you through:
* How to Pick a Strong Brand of Wild Oregano Oil
* Scientific research on oregano oil’s anti-pathogenic abilities (that’s its ability to kill nasty bugs!)
* How and why wild oregano is especially useful for intestinal infections and inflammation
* When to use whole wild oregano oil, when to dilute it and the recipes PLUS MORE!
Jini also shares some of their best wild oregano oil home remedies, so download your FREE copy!
And there you have it! I always welcome questions from all of you, so PLEASE don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone you have! Until next time – happy healing and always listen to your gut feeling!
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery using exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.