
Control your high blood pressure with healthy eating habits

What do you worry about your loved ones? Has this to do with the fact that they often eat out, eat too salty and oily, stay up late or smoke and drink, or lead a very sedentary life with little physical activity?

These poor eating and sleeping habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a long list of ailments. Hypertension is probably one of the most common lifestyle diseases affecting most city dwellers.

Hypertension, the “silent killer,” can be easily prevented or treated if we make conscious choices to keep our eating habits in check and to incorporate simple physical activities into our daily lives. When we begin, we are on the path to health and happiness.

About 33% of urban Indians have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and only a fifth of them have blood pressure under control. This is alarming as high blood pressure is the leading cause of various life threatening medical conditions like heart disease, kidney failure, etc.

Causes of high blood pressure

The real cause of high blood pressure in more than 90% of people diagnosed with high blood pressure is unknown. However, there are several risk factors, like those listed below, that can trigger an increase in blood pressure.

  • Obesity, which is a major risk factor.
  • Excess salt (or sodium) in the diet, which is a national habit
  • Low potassium intake in food.
  • Lower amounts of vitamin D, the sun vitamin, 80-90% of which comes directly from the sun.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and physical activity.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Smoking or taking tobacco in some form.
  • Stress.
  • Diabetes or high cholesterol can cause arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which leads to high blood pressure.

These risks suggest that, on our end, positive changes must be made to reverse them. Changing your diet is one of the easiest ways to prevent and treat high blood pressure.

DASH – nutritional approaches against high blood pressure

Meet DASH, a flexible and balanced eating plan based on research sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI, USA).

These studies addressed aspects of preventing and treating high blood pressure. The results showed that the introduction of DASH helped lower high blood pressure and improve blood lipid levels (i.e., the fats in the bloodstream), which further reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The DASH diet has been ranked the best diet for high blood pressure by the US News & World Report. “DASH was designed to fight high blood pressure, not an all-purpose diet. But it definitely looked like an all-star to our panel of experts, who rated it high for its complete nutrition, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and its role in supporting heart health. Even though it’s dark, it has hit a field full of well-known diets. “

The DASH diet has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and is linked to a lower risk of various types of cancer, heart disease, stroke, heart failure, kidney stones, a reduced risk of developing diabetes, and slowing down the progression of the kidney can disease.

The effectiveness of the DASH diet plan

As you can see, the DASH diet is primarily a plant-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, fish, and poultry plan that is easy to follow and good for your heart is. If you are a vegetarian, you can substitute legumes and legumes for fish and poultry.

(Source: nhlbi page 9)

How to switch to the DASH diet plan

Achieving a change in eating habits can be the most difficult task for foodies. But small but significant changes can make switching to the DASH diet easier than you think.

  • Reduce your butter or margarine by half.
  • Cut down on cereal mixes, flavored rice, and pasta that have added salt.
  • Use fruit as a dessert and low-fat foods as snacks.
  • If you are having trouble digesting some dairy products, you can try lactose-free milk.
  • Take extra nutrients like vitamin B in the form of whole wheat bread and whole grain cereals.
  • Reduce meat to a very small part of your meal and gradually remove it from your diet.
  • Use fresh poultry, lean meats and fish, not canned or processed. Canned peas have three times more sodium than frozen peas. Therefore, avoid canned vegetables as well.
  • Eat more high-fiber and colorful vegetables.
  • Did you know that herbs, garlic and onions can be used to flavor your food without adding salt and sodium? Sounds so healthy, doesn’t it?
  • Reduce sodium (salt) and sugar.

In addition to switching to the DASH diet, it is important that you

  • Reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Stop the tobacco altogether.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Lose weight.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Get enough sleep.

Being physically active regulates high blood pressure

Taking a brisk walk in a park, biking in your colony or quiet streets, gardening, playing badminton, doing household chores, etc. are the simple exercises that can help keep your blood pressure under control.

Here are some physical activity suggestions that you can easily incorporate into your normal day.

(Source: nhlbi page 7)

Try to incorporate these changes into your diet and exercise, and see how quickly your high blood pressure gets under control. Resistance to change is only in your head. So let go of the “I can’t” voice in your head and prove to yourself and the world that you can and will fight high blood pressure and not let it ruin your life.

Ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure

Ivy Mukta Daddy for high blood pressure
Ivy’s Mukta Vati is a natural Ayurvedic blood pressure medication used to reduce high blood pressure and symptoms of high blood pressure. It also cleanses the blood and protects the heart and liver.

Advantages of MUKTA VATI
MUKTA VATI is a fast acting and safe herbal remedy against

  • Regulate high blood pressure
  • Reduce inflammation in the body
  • Protect the heart
  • Improve memory
  • Purify blood
  • Protect the liver
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Treat insomnia
  • Charge the mind


  • If your blood pressure is greater than 160/100 mmHG you should take 2 tablets twice a day.
  • If your blood pressure is 150/90 mmHG, take 2 tablets twice a day.
  • If your blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or your blood pressure occasionally increases, you can take 1 tablet twice a day.

Packing size:
120 tablets

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