Gut health
Helpful Plant Medicine & Herbs for IBD

Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we delve into the world of herbal medicine! We’ll both discuss which herbs we think are best specifically for IBD, as well as some of the herbs that have helped us personally.
Don’t forget to download my eBook, What You Need to Know About Wild Oregano, for FREE here.
1:05 – MucosaCalm
2:11 – Gut friendly aloe vera
2:51 – Comfrey root
3:21 – Wild oregano oil
5:00 – enema with healing implant
Savannah is Jini’s assistant. An avid chef who loves to travel, speaks fluent Spanish and has a special affinity for animals. Savannah is always ready with helpful resources and answers to challenging questions.