How long should I take an anti-pathogen?
Hello! Linsy here, and I’m back to answer another awesome LTYG reader question!
This week’s question is:
“What factors help determine how long the oregano oil protocol should continue or when to stop – temporarily or otherwise?”
In short, you need to listen to your own body wisdom and / or work with a holistic practitioner as everyone has different tolerance levels.
However, if you are still unaware of your threshold, it is best to either seek professional advice or, as I always say, start with LOW AND SLOW. This means that you start with a very small amount or a very low dosage, less frequently, and slowly work your way up based on your body’s tolerance levels until you find your threshold.
Although I am not a doctor, I will share my experiences with you (under the care of my practitioners and coaches) in the hope that they will give you some ideas on where to start:
In my blog post Anti-Pathogen Treatment: The Fundamental Way to Heal Your Gut! I’m talking about the need to toggle anti-pathogens on and off from Jini’s protocol. If you haven’t read this blog post and are interested in including an anti-pathogen in your healing journey, I highly recommend you check it out!
In this blog I mention how often you should really take anti-pathogens as it depends on the severity and your healing stage. If you stick to the slow suggestion mentioned above, it could take you a year to reach a therapeutic dose … or you could get there in a day with no problems. For myself, it took me quite a while to reach a therapeutic dose. Everyone is SO different so it’s best to start slowly and listen to what your body needs.
Most important, however, is the need to turn anti-pathogens on and off. You won’t be receiving anti-pathogen treatment every day for the rest of your life – and in reality, you should only use an anti-pathogen until the infection has cleared. It’s not intended for everyday use, but sometimes our intestines are so full of toxins that it takes more than one cycle to get rid of all the “bad guys”. This is where cycling begins.
For Jini:
“You can toggle on and off as needed as you may have a bacterial / fungal hybrid that has a dormant / active life cycle – this can take up to 3 years to completely eradicate.”
In addition to the dormant life cycles, I find it important that your body gets a break to detoxify the pathogens. A break from treatments makes this possible.
Since cycling is important, it is best to work with your doctor or trainer to find out what works best for you and your situation. Here are a few different ways I approached cycling during my healing.
Turning on and off anti-pathogens
# 1.) Two days off, one day off
This is a brilliant method my trainer taught me that is simple but still gives a break in between for cycling as well as a break for your body to properly process and detoxify. That worked well for me for quite a while!
In this scenario, you would take the anti-pathogens for two days, then stop taking them completely for one day, and then repeat. I sometimes did this for a month at a time if I tolerated it.
# 2.) Three to four weeks, then stop entirely.
This is basically a month on and a month off. It is important that you stop for a maximum of a month, because your body needs a break – and you do not want to build up resistance to a certain anti-pathogen.
# 3.) Two weeks off, two weeks.
This breaks down the month nicely and allows breaks between the dormant cycles and our bodies to process.
The importance of the dosage level
How you deal with cycling also depends on the dosage you are taking. If you are taking a high dose – for example, more than 15 drops several times a day – then a month at this dose is probably too much. In this situation, I would personally take the 15 drops for two days, then take a two-day break for just one to two weeks. Again, just because they are high doses – but these are just suggestions from my trip, so do what you think is best or what your doctor or trainer recommends!
Generally speaking, if you start off low and slow, you can last longer on anti-pathogens than those who can tolerate higher doses.
You can see that there is a lot of wiggle room depending on your body, so let your body guide you. Based on your symptoms, you will usually know very quickly how much is too much or when to take a break.
I always took a break when my symptoms or HERX got too intense, even when using binders and making sure my detox pathways were open. There is a fine line between a little pressure and too much pressure, so don’t go too fast and end up worsening your symptoms!
Take breaks with anti-pathogens
There is no right or wrong here – only breaks are important. Again for three reasons:
# 1.) So that your body can properly detoxify the pathogens.
# 2.) Breaks allow the dormant / active cycles of bacteria / fungi / viruses so you can treat them effectively.
# 3.) So you don’t build up tolerance to an anti-pathogen, which makes it ineffective.
Jini says many people (especially those with stubborn infections) prefer to alternate between olive leaf and wild oregano oil. They think this is a stronger approach to keep the pathogens from getting used to a substance.
So this is another great suggestion! Instead of just starting out with the WOO, you can also try to take these breaks and then switch the anti-pathogen you are using to keep the bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. on their toes, so to speak.
Just a reminder, if you introduce an anti-pathogen, Start slowly to make sure your body is okay with this. Then you can increase your dosage until you finally have two great forms of treatment – WOO and olive leaf!
You can find both the WOO and the olive leaf in our shop:
Wild oregano oil
Olive leaf
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you found this information and my experiences helpful, and that these suggestions can help you find a protocol that suits you well.
Now I would like to ask you, the LTYG community, if you have any specific questions that you would like to answer. Is there anything you are struggling with? Let me know so that we can share our experience with you and support you!
Until next time, happy healing – and remember to always listen to your gut instinct!
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery with exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.