Mother Heals Daughter Using Jini’s Protocols, Then Becomes a Doctor – Reader’s Story
5 year update:
Nishtha is now a Clinical Nutritionist and a Certified Functional Medic specializing in IBD / IBS and Autoimmune Diseases! You can find them in London at Integrated Health and Nutrition Clinic Zest. Here you will find more information about the services they offer, as well as their prices and how to contact them.
You can also find her on Instagram @zesthealthnutrition:
I love this story because it is a great example of the networking of our healing community here at LTYG! One of my readers, Nishtha Patel (not related – Patel is a common Indian name – similar to Smith in the US) used the protocols in Listen To Your Gut to heal her daughter.
Nishtha was so inspired by what she had learned about her daughter’s journey and her experience of holistic healing that she went back to school to become a naturopath in the UK. She is now studying Functional Medicine in the USA and can be contacted for advice or consultations in person or by phone / Skype through her clinic LEMON PEEL.
I recommend booking with Nishtha Patel if you would like the added support of a nutritionist and practitioner who is personally familiar with my protocols on your healing journey. How cool is that !! What a nice circle of learning, healing and paying on.
Here is the article published about Nishtha in What Doctors Don’t Tell You magazine, or you can download the PDF.
Originally posted in August 2015. Last updated in December 2020.
Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert in naturopathic treatments for digestive diseases. She healed herself from the widespread Crohn’s disease and has been drug and surgery free for over 20 years. Appeared on numerous podcast, television and radio shows in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, Jini gives people hope and visions on how to cure colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in all natural methods. Her books on natural digestive disease cures have been sold in over 80 countries around the world.