What to do about Crohn’s Disease, Flare Colitis – HACK # 1

Hello everyone! Linsy from LTYG here. We get a lot of questions from our readers about what to do when symptoms flare up! So, over the next few weeks, I’m going to be sharing 6 hacks that helped me get through a flare-up. These tips are from my personal experience and are what I found helpful during these stressful times.
This video is the FIRST hack from SIX that helped me through a flare up. Stay tuned for 5 more! I really hope that sharing this information will be helpful to you on your healing journey.
Here is the video I mentioned at 4:14 am: Victoria’s Testimonial – Joe Dispenza
What do you do when your symptoms flare up? I would like to know what worked for you. Tell me in the comments!
All videos: HACK # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4, # 5 and # 6.
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery with exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.