Are you depressed? Find out how Ayurveda can help you!

Living organisms have a unique ability to react to changes in the environment. The information from the outer word is received in the form of a stimulus (a change in the environment that provokes a human response). The information received from humans is coordinated via the nervous system, which also helps to achieve coherence in the functioning of the internal organs.
The nervous system is perfectly organized in terms of anatomy (structure) and physiology (function). The nervous system is divided into two main departments, as shown below:
The nervous system works in three main ways to process various information from the human environment:
- The nervous system receives external and internal stimuli to provide sensory information from its environment and from within.
- The information collected in this way is integrated by it so that a meaningful interpretation can be made.
- The nervous system also regulates intracellular activities to maintain coordination of the movements of the entire organism by stimulating muscles, glands and nerve cells involved in perception, learning, etc.
The nerve cell (anatomically known as a neuron) is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. They convey messages from the brain to the organ and vice versa. This process is known as the transmission of nerve impulses. The nerve cells have special properties such as excitability and conductivity. There are certain chemicals known as neurotransmitters that play important roles in the functioning of the nervous system.
The incidence of diseases such as depression and anxiety neuroses is continuously increasing. The allopathic system of medicine has given effective drugs to treat these diseases, but the side effects of the drugs cannot be ignored. Research has shown that Ayurvedic medicinal herbs, when properly processed and expertly supervised, are helpful in relieving depression and other illnesses.
Causes of depression
Depression can hit anyone at any time. Depression not only affects the depressed patient, but everyone around them is affected by depression in one form or another. There are several factors that can lead to clinical depression. Treating depression requires a professional and rational approach.
People with a history are at higher risk of developing depression
- A history of abuse
- A pessimistic life
- A serious medical illness, such as cancer or heart disease
- Family history of depression
- Family problems
The exact etiology (cause) of depression is not well understood. According to experts, the result of the most common disease called depression, the chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters, are not optimal.
Types of Depression
Depression occurs with mood disorders. Depending on the distribution of signs and symptoms, depression can be classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Severe form is also known as major depression.
In some cases, depression can be associated with mania, and this condition is often referred to as bipolar disorder.
Sometimes depression occurs with a change of season, more specifically as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
The incidence of depression is very common after menopause and the condition is known clinically as postmenopausal syndrome (PMS).
Signs and symptoms
- Body pain (headache or migraine)
- Change in sleep patterns
- Hard to sleep at night
- Early morning awakening
- Excess sleep
- In some cases, a depressed person craves carbohydrates and sweets and puts on weight as a result
- Isolation from the environment
- lack of sleep
- Memory loss
- No appetite is often seen weight loss
- Severe appetite and sleep disorders
- Social phobia
- Wake up in the middle of the night
Allopathic treatment for depression
- Lithium therapy.
- Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) such as imipramine.
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) such as fluoxetine and sertraline.
Other alternative treatment
- Massage: Modern studies have documented the benefits of massage therapy for depression. A 1997 study examined the effects of massage therapy on anxiety and depression, as well as on immune function. The subjects received a 45-minute massage five times a week for a period of one month. The preliminary results were that anxiety, stress and cortisol levels were significantly reduced; 5-HT (serotonin) levels were increased; and natural killer cells were elevated, suggesting immune system benefits.
- Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is the practice of using pure, therapeutic essential vegetable oils to improve mood and improve the health of the body and mind. Reduction of stress and depression, as well as emotional catharsis, are some of the reported benefits of aromatherapy.
- Meditation: Meditation can be defined as a concentrated effort on a single peaceful thought or physical practice such as breathing. or repeating a sound used to calm the rumination of the mind
Ayurvedic medicine for stress
Brahmi, also known as Bacopa, is a plant that was used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda). Improves mental alertness, improves memory and focus, increases concentration and the ability to learn.
Bacopa is widely used in Alzheimer’s disease because it helps improve memory, relieve anxiety, and treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), among other things
People also take Brahmi to treat back pain, hoarseness, mental illness, epilepsy, joint pain, and sexual performance problems in both men and women. It is also sometimes used as a “water pill”.
dosage – 1 capsule before breakfast and dinner with warm water or as directed by the doctor
Packing size – 60 capsules.