What to do about Crohn’s Disease, Flare Colitis – HACK # 2

Hello everyone! Linsy from LTYG here. Since we get a lot of questions from our readers about what to do when symptoms flare up, over the next few weeks I will be sharing 6 hacks that helped me get through a flare up. These tips are from my personal experience and are what I found helpful during these stressful times.
This video is the SECOND hack from SIX that helped me through a flare-up. Stay tuned for 4 more! I really hope that sharing this information will be helpful to you on your healing journey.
If you haven’t seen the FIRST hack yet, here is the video so you can watch it BEFORE this one. 🙂
Links mentioned in the video:
2:40 am – LazerTapping.com – Join Jini for a FREE session!
3:52 – Follow us on Instagram!
5:14 – Jini’s home remedy pages
What do you do when your symptoms flare up? I would like to know what worked for you. Tell me in the comments!
All videos: HACK # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4, # 5 and # 6.
Linsy is Jini’s assistant. From a highly sensitive / reactive case of ulcerative colitis to complete freedom from medication and surgery using exclusively natural methods, Linsy understands the interplay of mind / body / soul on the healing path firsthand.