Why am I not healing

A lot of people contact me and they are very frustrated because they are following proper diet, taking supplements, have changed their lifestyle but are still not seeing great results in their bodies. So, let’s get to the various reasons people may not see the results of their healing efforts quickly …
1. Expect results too quickly
Sometimes an apparent lack of healing progress is due to the body simply not being given enough time. For example, you cannot heal damage in 3 months for 5 years! If you have taken strong medications like Remicade, Humira, etc., your healing will take even longer. Remember that even people without obvious symptoms of illness, but simply an unbalanced hormonal system, need 4 – 6 months to bring their hormones back into balance.
With IBD, if you have been taking any of the immunosuppressive drugs for more than a month, you have severely unbalanced both your immune system and your endocrine (hormonal) system. So now consider the healing of THREE systems: immune, endocrine, and digestive systems – and then all of the domino effects of each of those systems.
And don’t forget about the dormant active life cycle of pathogens like mycobacteria. I was on Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol for 2 years to completely cleanse mine.
2. Taking harmful food supplements at the same time
Sometimes it’s because the person is taking medications (or sometimes even natural supplements) that are damaging or aggravating the body at the same time, so it’s two steps forward and a step or two back.
If you suspect this is the case, check to see if your supplements contain:
- Betaine HCL
- MSM (although topical – transdermal – application should be fine)
- FOS (fructooligosaccharides)
- Inulin
All of these natural substances are seriously annoying to people with IBS and IBD. The same caution applies to food allergies. If you regularly consume foods or drinks that cause inflammation (due to allergies or intolerance), each time you are sabotaging your body’s basic healing and sitting back.
Top Diet Supplements That Cause Diarrhea in Susceptible People:
- Magnesium (except in nanoparticle or transdermal form)
- Any herb that has a “cleansing” effect – for this reason, you must be very careful with any combination remedies or Chinese or Ayurvedic remedies
- Xylitol, erythritol, sorbitol and all other sugar alcohols
- Liver supportive herbs because the liver will cleanse toxins through the intestines. Do not use if you have severe diarrhea, but if you have mild diarrhea you can use this in combination with a stool filler (which is also an intestinal broom) such as 1 tbsp. sprouted flax and chia powder (available locally and online on different sites; you may need to purchase the two powders separately) along with 1/2 tsp. Bentonite clay.
- NOTE: You cannot use these remedies if you are on an only elementary diet – only if you are on a semi-elementary (including semi-elemental) diet in which you combine Absorb Plus with normal foods.
Also, read the “Side Effects” list for any medication you are taking (including medications you take for other problems) and make sure your symptoms are not listed as a “side effect” of the medication.
Please remember that medications cause many of the symptoms that we are trying to cure. Please take your time and wean them at a safe pace for you, but be aware that your body cannot begin healing at the root level – and it will take time – anywhere between 3 – 12 months, depending according to the amount of damage and the existing imbalance.
3. Avoid emotional healing
In many cases, the person does not see progress / healing because they are inadequately addressing an entire component of their gut: emotional trauma or injury. The intestine registers and processes emotions in the same way (if not more than) the brain! Over 60% of the body’s neurotransmitters are not in the brain, but in the gut. So you see that there is NO WAY to achieve full healing without addressing the emotional issues in your life / body.
DO NOT underestimate the importance of healing your emotional / spiritual body! So many people are very strict about implementing all of the physical aspects of my protocols, but they ignore the emotional healing and then wonder why they aren’t getting great results. Please note that you will not have tried my healing methods properly until you have dealt with the emotional and spiritual side of your illness.
Tools and resources for emotional healing
I have a number of great resources and tools that you can use to begin your emotional / spiritual healing. But first, here’s a giveaway to get you started. And then be sure and check out these emotional healing tools:
1. Learn about one of my favorite mind and body healing tools: lazer tapping! This is based on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which is derived from a Chinese acupuncture meridian tapping practice called Neigong, but adapted for the western mind. I did the practitioner training for EFT Tapping in 2010 and then tapped myself into wholeness every day for 2 years because I had so much to clarify (emotionally, spiritually, physically, psychologically)!
10 years later I developed my oversimplified technique, lazer tapping, combined with accessing the wisdom of the body itself; the actual consciousness of the cells and tissues of the body. I would love to share it with you! Visit me here for a free session.
2. Use my guided healing visualizations and meditations. Recorded or digital healing sessions are a much cheaper but equally powerful way to experience profound healing from gifted healing mediators. There is nothing that I am selling here that I have not experienced myself and that I know to be effective and often miraculous. ALL come with an unconditional guarantee so you have nothing to lose when you try them out! The children’s stories teach your child meditative (deep) breathing and how to connect with their intuition to solve problems. Enjoy!
3. Check Out My Teleseminar Section In My Shoppe – Podcasts And Expert Interviews On Specific Problems You May Be Struggling With, As Well As Natural Treatments For Health Conditions From Detox To Dental Health (And Everything In Between)! With a list of holistic health professionals handpicked by me to share their life’s work and knowledge with you. You can also become a member of the LTYG Wellness Circle and get access to all of them!
If you are not seeing the results you want in your physical body, consider booking a session with one of these highly trained, intuitive therapists. I have personally had many sessions with everyone and can highly recommend them. I’ve also done teleseminars with some of them so you can tap to a teleseminar first (see teleseminar link above) to see if you like the style before booking a more expensive private session:
1. Dr. Juliet Ghodsian – I can confidently refer you to my own intuitive healer: Dr. Juliet Ghodsian! Dr. Juliet read my books and healed herself of Crohn’s disease. She offers private sessions that focus on the mental / emotional / spiritual aspects of disease development.
2. Aileen Nobles – Aileen is a well known psychic in the US and has her own TV show, she is very gentle and caring and uses a combination of EFT and her intuition (clairvoyance).
3. Lori Clarke – Lori is a spiritual healer, but unique in that she not only “fixes” things for you, but also makes you use, develop, and use your own intuition and connection to the Source during her Guided Connection Audios strengthen.
Remember, talk therapy is not enough. We need to employ techniques that integrate the mind / body and release the trauma and wounds from the tissues (and cells) of the body itself. Advanced Craniosacral Therapy (which I write about in LISTEN TO YOUR bowel) is another integrated somato-emotional release therapy that is very effective, as is hypnotherapy.
In many cases, a person does not see progress / healing because they are inadequately addressing an entire component of their gut: emotional trauma or injury. As I mentioned earlier, the gut registers and processes emotions in the same way (if not more than) the brain! Over 60% of the body’s neurotransmitters are not in the brain, but in the gut, so emotional healing can often be the hardest part of this journey – and the part we put off the longest! But be aware that you will only realize the full potential of your physical body when you also heal your emotional / physical body.
After all, Dr. Paul Goldberg is a doctor who is very knowledgeable about the healing of chronic complaints of all kinds (he is also a professor of functional gastroenterology). You don’t have to live in Georgia to consult with him.
And Dr. Wendy Ellis in Seattle and Dr. Carolyn Dean in Hawaii – but both do phone or Skype consultations – are other excellent doctors I have teleseminars with and consulted about my own health needs.
And if you are interested in more information on private health consultations, please visit my Recommended Doctors page. In good health!
Originally posted in 2013. Last updated August 2021.
Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert in naturopathic treatments for digestive diseases. She healed herself from the widespread Crohn’s disease and has been drug and surgery free for over 20 years. Appeared on numerous podcast, television and radio shows in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, Jini gives people hope and visions on how to cure colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in all natural methods. Her books on natural digestive disease cures have been sold in over 80 countries around the world.