Foods To Eat When You Have Irregular Periods

Periods are an important and inevitable part of being a woman. No woman her reproductive age can escape “these days of the month”. For many women, periods are a timely phenomenon that repeats itself after a certain number of days per month, but others can experience irregularities in their menstrual cycles. In fact, nearly 30% of women of childbearing age suffer from irregular periods.
If the normal menstrual cycle is 28 to 35 days and your periods occur later than 35 days or more frequently than 21 days per month, they are considered irregular. If the irregularity occurs frequently, it could be an indication of a more serious problem. We say this because 87% of women who suffer from irregular periods also have serious medical conditions like PCOS.
This is why it is important to monitor periods and find a way to regulate them. Sometimes irregular periods are a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. So by making minor changes in your lifestyle and settling on a few home remedies, you can regulate your periods. Your diet is an especially important part of your lifestyle. If you follow an adequate diet on a regular basis, there is a chance that you can regulate your periods as well. You just need to know the right foods to include in your diet to achieve this goal.
Food for regulating periods
Including the following foods in your diet can help regulate your irregular periods.
1. Turmeric
Turmeric has always been known for its antiseptic properties, but it can also help regulate your periods. It is a warming herb that can regulate menstruation and also reduce the occurrence of cramps. It is an emmenagogue, which means it helps stimulate menstrual flow. One study has proven the benefits of turmeric for irregular periods. It is claimed that turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties improve uterine health and relieve pain caused during periods.
2. cinnamon
Just like turmeric, cinnamon has properties that help treat irregular menstruation. In Chinese medicine, cinnamon was used as a warming medicine that helps with menstruation. Cinnamon contains the compound hydroxychalcone, which can regulate periods and also relieve cramps caused by them. Cinnamon is an effective medicine for people who experience nausea and vomiting during menstruation.
3. ginger
Ginger can do a lot more than just add flavor to your food. It can also help manage your irregular periods. Regular consumption of ginger can regulate your periods and also your blood flow by contracting the uterine muscles. It is especially beneficial for women who experience excessive bleeding during their period. It can relieve mood and the physical and behavioral symptoms of premenstrual symptoms (PMS).
A study shows the effectiveness of ginger in treating irregular periods. Ginger has analgesic properties that can relieve the pain associated with dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation.
4. Papaya
If your periods are regularly delayed, papaya can help. It increases the heat in the body and stimulates menstruation. Papaya contains carotene, which stimulates the secretion of estrogen in the body and aids in regular menstruation. Eating unripe papaya can cause uterine muscle fiber contractions, according to Researchgate. This is helpful in ensuring proper menstrual flow. But remember, you need to eat papayas before your period, not during this one. Eating papaya during your period can cause excessive blood flow.
5. Pineapple
The compound bromelain in pineapple is responsible for regular menstruation in women. One study says it works as a muscle relaxant and stimulates blood flow. It also stimulates the production of RBCs & WBCs in the body. Pineapple encourages the peeling of uterine walls during periods. It reduces inflammation, which is a common cause of irregularities in certain periods of time. Other benefits of pineapple include relief from muscle aches and cramps caused by periods.
6. Sesame seeds
Studies suggest that sesame seeds can help relieve a number of menstrual cramps. It regulates menstruation while also having an antispasmodic effect that relieves pain caused during periods. Hormone fluctuations are another major cause of irregular menstruation. Since sesame seeds are loaded with lignans and essential fatty acids, they also regulate hormone production.
7. Coriander
Coriander has been shown to be an important herb when it comes to achieving hormonal balance in the body. It improves the body’s endocrine functions, which in turn help maintain the menstrual cycle. The natural toxins contained in coriander stimulate endocrine secretion in the body. This helps maintain hormonal balance and ultimately leads to regulated menstruation. Coriander can also reduce pain and bloating associated with periods.
8. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a great addition to your daily morning routine if you want regular periods. One study has shown that apple cider vinegar can help cure PCOS, which is a major cause of irregular menstruation in most women. It also improves ovulatory functions in the body and further regulates menstruation. Other reasons for irregular menstruation are obesity or abnormal insulin levels in the body. Apple cider vinegar helps treat both of these factors, resulting in regular periods.
Ayurvedic medicine for irregular periods
As much as diet can help regularize periods, you need to take medication too. Picoshunya is one such herbal formula that will give you results with no side effects.
Picoshunya is an effective one Ayurvedic medicine that can cure irregular menstruation and other related health problems like PCOS, infertility, hormonal imbalance, etc. Regular consumption of picoshunya can help make the menstrual cycle regular.
Benefits of Picoshunya
In addition to the regulation of time periods, there are other advantages of Picoshunya –
- It helps cure PCOS
- It promotes ovulation
- It increases fertility
- It eliminates cysts in the ovaries
The recommended dosage for Picoshunya is 2 tablets per day, 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.
Although diet changes are helpful in regulating menstruation, it is still recommended that you consult a doctor at the earliest if you have irregular periods. This will help you get an accurate diagnosis of your condition and the cause of irregular periods. If you have a serious medical condition like PCOS, the doctor is the best person to advise medication and suggest appropriate lifestyle changes Exercises for better healing.